School Venue

The Lecture sessions will take place at the Main Conference Room of Hotel Nivaria, specially assembled in a “classroom style” (desk plus seat). 

Conference Room

Mains and Ethernet connections will be available at each individual post. A specific local server will be accessible to all participants and professors to be used as a common repository of material required during Lectures (data files, software and ad-hoc tool, etc)

Poster exhibition area is located at the back of the Conference Room (1 m x 1m individual frames).

Facilities of the Conference Room also include free access to Internet, computer display projector, blackboard, etc. Special needs can be catered for if we are advised in advance.

Timetable for the Lecture Sessions is daily from Monday to Friday (excluding Wednesday were full day trip to the Observatories are scheduled) along two weeks.

Standard Lecture sessions – from 9:30 till 18:00- are divided in blocks of 1.5 hours. Every lecturing day consists of fours 1.5 hour blocks, each one with a break in the middle: morning coffee break, lunch and afternoon coffee break.

During each one of the blocks, each Professor will distribute the time on his/her own convenience amongst the different types of possible activities: lecture, exercises, practical work, questions of students, etc.


  • On Thursday, November 25th, the whole morning session will take place at the Computer Laboratory of the Department of Astrophysics in the “Anchieta Campus” of the Universidad de La Laguna. The Laboratory consists in some thirty working posts each one equipped with a PC-Linux computer and access to all most common software packages used in the astrophysics research (IDL, IRAF, SM, MatLab, Fortran,..) and some of the specific model codes such as ADIPLS and ASTEC.
  • On Tuesday, November 23rd, a Poster Session will take place at the Conference Room from 18:20 h. till 20:00 h. Further details on the organization of this special Session will be given well in advance.