Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain

September 25-30, 2000




Dear colleagues,

As the meeting draws nearer you may find the following updated information of interest. The contents of this Second Announcement are as follows:

  • Final Scientific Programme.
  • Information to Contributors.
  • Registration Fee (methods of payment), Grants and Social Events.
  • Conference Venue Information.
  • Hotel Information.
  • Useful Information: Travel, about Tenerife and Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Health.
  • Forms: Registration, Hotel Bookings and Special Requirements for Presentation of Contributions.
  • This information is being continuously updated in our WWW home page

    If you have not filled in the Pre-registration form in the First Announcement, please fill in the Registration Form and send it to the LOC.


    SUNDAY, 24th September

     - 19:00 Opening of registration desk (Hotel Mencey)

     - 19:30 Welcome cocktail (Hotel Mencey)

     - 20:30 Closing of registration desk

    MONDAY, 25th September

    Morning session

         Chair: B. Schmieder, Meudon

     -  08:00 Opening of registration desk (Cajacanarias Conference Center)

     -  08:45 Welcome address                                                                B. Schmieder & M. Vazquez

     -  09:00 The origin of the solar cycle                                          K. Petrovay

      - 09:40 "The solar cycle is more than skin deep!"                     R. Komm, R. Howe., and F. Hill

     - 10:00 "Variations in the Tachocline"                                       T. Corbard

    -  10:20 Irradiance variability due to magnetic activity       O.R. White

     - 11:00 Coffee break and Poster Session

     - 11:50 "Variations in Total Solar Irradiance during the 11-Years Solar Cycle"        G. Maris

     - 12:10 "From Solar Minimum to Solar Maximum: Changes in Total and Spectral
                    Solar Irradiance"                                                                 G. de Toma

     - 12:30 Long-term changes in solar irradiance                      S. Solanki

      -13:10 "Total Solar Irradiance Increase into Solar Cycle 23"            Claus Froehlich

     - 13:30 Lunch

    Afternoon Session

         Chair: P. N. Brandt, Freiburg

     - 15:30 Solar variability in ionizing radiation (UV, X-rays)           G. Schmidtke

     - 16:10 "Absolute UV solar radiation, its variability and consequences for the Earth'climate"    G. Thuillier

     - 16:30 "Long-term variations in the Extreme-UV corona: the EIT perspective"           J.F. Hochedez

     - 16:50 Coffee-break and Poster Session

     - 17:20 The variation of solar brightness since 1868 and its effects on global temperatures      M. Lockwood

     - 18:00 "Coronal holes" (recorded from 1943) - a source of the solar-induced
                    terrestrial responses"                                                                                                                  J. Sykora

     - 20:15  Dinner offered by the Major of La Laguna

    TUESDAY, 26th September

    Morning Session

        Chair: G. Cauzzi, Firenze

     - 09:00 Mechanisms producing long-term changes in solar and stellar activity            A. Ferriz Mas

     - 09:40 "The dynamo-theory of the Maunder minimum"                                                           G. Ruediger
    - 10:00 "Polar ice as an archive for solar cycles and the terrestrial climate"                             J.  Beer
    - 10:20 Irradiance or luminosity changes?                                                                                     S. Sofia

    - 11:00 Coffee break and Poster Session

    - 11:50 "Drift-Time Measurements of the Solar Diameter 1990-2000: New Limits on Constancy"
                                                                                                                                                                            A.D. Wittmann
    - 12:10 "Solar surface magnetism and the increase of solar irradiance between activity
                    minimum and maximum"                                                                                                        M. Fligge

    - 12:30 Excitation of Earth's natural mode of climate variability by decadal
                    changes in the Sun's irradiance                                                                                           W. White
    - 13:10 "Solar Forcing of El Niño and La Niña"                                                                                T. Landscheidt

    - 13:30 Lunch

    Afternoon session

        Chair: B. Fleck, ESA

    - 15:30 Indirect mechanisms of solar-terrestrial relations                              H. Svensmark
    - 16:10 "Comparative study of the atmospheric effects driven by irradiance vs. corpuscular radiation"                                                                                                     A Ludmany

    - 16:30 "Sunshine, clouds and cosmic rays" ,                                                              E. Palle

    - 16:50 Coffee-break and Poster Session

    - 17:20 CO2 and astronomical forcings of the late Quaternary                     A. Berger

    - 18:00 "Lacustrine sedimentation in the Baza basin (SE Spain) and climatic changes
                    during the Quaternary"                                                                                   L. Gibert

    - 20:00 SOLAR-MUSIC: A cultural event                 In Cajacanarias Conference Center

    WEDNESDAY, 27th September


        09:00 Departure of buses from hotel Mencey

        11:00 Visit to El Teide National Park

        13:30 Lunch offered by the IAC

        15:15 Visit to El Teide Observatory

    THURSDAY, 28th September


        Chair: C. Froehlich, Davos

    - 09:00 Temperature trends on the millenium                                                      P. Jones

    - 09:40 "Is there a correlation between solar cycle lengths and terrestrial = temperatures?
                    Old claims and new results"                                                                             P. Laut

    - 10:00 Description and first results of the EC Project SOLICE (Solar Influence on
                    Climate and Environment)"                                                                            M.  Chanin
    - 10:20 Satellite temperature measurements                                                        J. R. Christy

    - 11:00 Coffee break and Poster Session

    - 11:50 "Several roles of atmospheric electricity within atmospheric and
                    solar-terrestrial physics today"                                                                      S. Israelsson
    - 12:10 "The CLOUD experiment at CERN to study the link between cosmic rays and clouds"
                                                                                                                                                    J. Kirkby
    - 12:30 Estimation of natural and anthropogenic contributions to 20th
                       Century Temperature Change                                                                 S. Tett
    - 13:10 "Natural Variability of Global mean Temperatures: Contributions
                    from Solar Irradiance Changes, Volcanic Eruptions and El Niño"       Aad van Ulden

    - 13:30 Lunch

        Chair: I. Rodriguez Hidalgo

    - 15:30 "ESF network on space weather and the earth's weather"                       N. Crosby
    - 15:50 "PICARD: Solar Diameter, Irradiance and Climate"                                L. Damé


    - 16:10 The cycle of greenhouse gases                                                                       K. Caldeira

    - 16:50 Coffee break and Poster Session

    - 17:20 Aerosol influences on climate                                                                      J. A. Ogren

    - 18:10 "Earthshine and Earth's Albedo"                                                                  P.  Goode
    - 20:30  Dinner offered by the Major of Santa Cruz de Tenerife            In "Parque Maritimo"

    FRIDAY, 29th September

    Morning session

        Chair: Valentin Martinez Pillet

    - 09:00 Climate models                                                                                    K. Arpe
    - 09:40 Assessment of the putative impacts of anthropogenic
                    carbon dioxide on global and regional climate  changes       W. Soon
    - 10:20 THE IPCC Report 2001                                                                     J. T. Houghton

    - 11:00 Coffee break and Poster Session

    Data handling in Solar and Geophysical Research

        Chair: M. Messerotti

    - 11:50 Solar and Geophysical Databases: the tiles of a planetary meta-archive
                                                                                                                                      M. Messerotti

    - 12:00 The virtual solar observatory                                                              F. Hill

    - 12:15  Space weather user requirements of solar data                              N. Crosby

    - 12:30  The end-user and meta-archive                                                      K. Reardon

    - 12:45 SUMMARY TALK                                                                              E.N. Parker

    - 13:30 Lunch

    Afternoon session. Meeting on the 1999 Solar Eclipse

        Chair: F. Clette, Bruxells

    - 15:15  Introduction: The TECONet project one year after totality        F. Clette

    - 15:35  Infrared observations of the August 1999 total solar eclipse        Y. Shopov

    - 15:50  Radio polarimetric observations of the 11 August 1999 solar eclipse         M. Messerotti

    Meeting on Observing Techniques and Recent Instrumental Development in Solar Physics

        Chair: G. Ceppatelli, THEMIS

    - 16:10  IRIS: A new instrument for solar bidimensional spectroscopy                F. Cavallini

    - 16:25  Solar magnetometry with the Dutch Open Telescope                               R. Rutten

    - 16:40  The new global high-resolution H-alpha network                                    M. Steinegger

    - 16:55  Recent instrumental developments in Solar Physics at the IAC             I. Rodriguez-Hidalgo

    - 17:10 Coffee break

    Annual JOSO Meeting

        Chair: B. Schmieder, Meudon

    - 20:00 Popular talk by Paal Brekke (ESA) on "The Sun through the eyes of SOHO"
                   In Cajacanarias Conference Center


    Please choose one of the following sessions and fill in the information therein.

    Data Handling in Solar and Geophysical Research
    Dr. Mauro Messerotti  
    Trieste Observatory, Italy
    TECONet 99 and other results from the August 1999 solar eclipse
    Dr. F. Clette  
    Observatoire Royal de Belgique
    Observing Techniques and Recent Instrumental Development in Solar Physics
    Dr. Guido Ceppatelli  
    Telescopio THEMIS, IAC

    Apart from the scientific discussions during the meeting we would like to present to the participants the opinions of the various organizations concerned with the problem of global warming. We are planning to arrange a special room to display presentations from these organizations. We ask the representatives of the organizations to complete the standard forms of the meeting indicating their interest in participating in the GLOBAL WARMING EXHIBITION .


    All participants who wish to present a contribution to this conference will be informed by the end of May whether it will be oral or poster in accordance with the decision of the SOC. An overhead projector, a slide projector, and a video tape player (multi-standard) + projector will be available at the conference hall. Panels (1m x 1m) will be available in a room adjacent to the conference hall for the display of posters. Anyone requiring special facilities for presentation (e.g. a supplementary TV + video set for posters) must request this in advance (please use the form at the end of this file).

    Instructions for authors in how to prepare their hard-copy presentations are available here.

    For questions related to the Scientific Programme please contact Dr. Manuel Vázquez at .

    For late applications to present a poster contribution fill in the corresponding form at the First Announcement.


    As you may know from the First Announcement, the conference registration fee (waived for young students with grants) is 15000 Spanish pesetas (approx. US $ 89). The fee should be paid at the Registration Desk upon arrival. We can only accept cash or eurocheques (both in pesetas) or travellers' cheques in US dollars ($ 89). The conference fee includes the price of the proceedings book, coffee breaks, a trip to Observatorio del Teide and other social events.


    Please note that participants receiving EU grants will have to pay for their registration and hotel expenses and will be reimbursed later (3 to 4 months). Reimbursement would be provided by the Observatoire de Paris which is in charge of the financial contract of this Euroconference from The Bruxelles Commission. Young participants (<35 years) can be reimbursed completely (hotel and flight). Other EU-granted participants will receive only half of their expenses (hotel and flight). The EU can reimburse only invoices of 3 star hotels. Invoices for 5 star hotels will not be considered. Young participants must share their room with another participant in order that we may support a larger number of young persons. The registration of young scientists will be paid directly from the EU grant to the LOC by the Observatoire de Paris.

    All participants awarded grants from the EU should be individually informed at the beginning of June.

    For late applications please fill in the corresponding form at the First announcement.

    For questions related to EU grants please contact Dr. Brigitte Schmieder at


    All participants from non- European Union Countries should consult the Spanish Embassy or Consulate of their country and must ask, if necessary, for a letter of invitation in order to apply for a visa. This must be done several months in advance before the conference set place, since visa applications can take quite some time. If you attend the conference please do not forget to request us this letter as soon as possible.


    There will be a number of social events during the Conference. The following is a first approximation to the social activities that we intend to include within the conference timetable. We will update this programme in our Web pages ( as soon as these activities have been definitively scheduled.

  • Sunday, September 24               Registration and welcome cocktail
  • Tuesday, September 26              Social Event
  • Wednesday, September 27        Visit to Teide Observatory and Teide National Park
  • Thursday, September 28            Conference Dinner

    The Conference Centre is located at the Caja Canarias headquarters, of one of the largest banks in Tenerife. The building is located in the centre of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, in an area where you can find many restaurants within walking distance from the hotels where participants will be accommodated. The conference centre has modern, comfortable and spacious meeting and exhibition rooms. It also offers an international office to exchange foreign currency.

    Caja General de Ahorros de Canarias 
    C/ Plaza del Patriotismo, 1 
    38002-Santa Cruz de Tenerife 
    Phone: (Int)-34-922-471254 
    Fax: (Int)-34-922-471425
    This Conference Centre is provided with the necessary facilities for conference participants including:
  • A large conference hall.
  • A small computing centre with high-speed links. This will be installed by the IAC for the conference and will only be available during the conference timetable.
  • A room for poster presentations (panels 1mx1m).
  • Slide and overhead projectors, video tape player and computer display facilities.

    Hotel bookings will be made through our travel agent, who has negotiated a block booking at special rates for three hotels, very close to the conference venue in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. For late registrations there is NO guarantee that there will be rooms available under this set of hotels at reduced prices. All prices are in PESETAS, PER PERSON/PER NIGHT/DOUBLE ROOM (here "double room" means occupied by two people). Supplements for single rooms are also specified. They include all local taxes and there must be no additional costs in the bill. You will only need to make an additional payment for room service, for extra meals or drinks and for telephone calls. The current exchange rates are $US 1 = 170 pesetas and 1 Euro= 166,4 pesetas.

    Hotel Mencey*****
    This luxury hotel is close to García Sanabria Park and among its facilities you will find a beautiful tropical garden, a swimming pool, bar, restaurant, Casino, etc. The rooms are provided with air-conditioning, TV, piped music and telephone. The location of the hotel is about 10 minutes walking distance from the conference centre.
    Double room
    Bed and Breakfast (BB)
    Half Board (HB)
    Suppl. Single Room (Sngl)
    Hotel Contemporáneo***
    This hotel faces Hotel Mencey, also near the García Sanabria Park. It has a Cafeteria, bar, restaurant, etc. All the rooms are provided with air-conditioning, TV, piped music and telephone. The location of the hotel is about 10 minutes walking distance from the conference centre.
    Double room
    Bed and Breakfast (BB)
    Half Board (HB)
    Suppl. Single Room (Sngl)
    Hotel Príncipe Paz***
    This hotel is next to the Conference centre and faces the Plaza del Principe in the centre of Santa Cruz. Among its facilities you will find a Cafeteria/restaurant, air-conditioning. TV, piped music and telephone.
    Double room
    Bed and Breakfast (BB)
    Half Board (HB)
    Suppl. Single Room (Sngl)
    Hotel Plaza***

    Located in the centre of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. Close by are most of the official institutions, banks, travel agencies, restaurants, etc. There is a car park 100 mts away. It is near the port and with easy transportation to the bus terminal, recreational areas and the Marine Park. It is just 14 Kms from Tenerife North Airport. Among its facilities you will find a Cafeteria/restaurant, air-conditioning. TV and telephone. It also offers the most inexpensive rates.

    Double room
    Bed and Breakfast (BB)
    Suppl. Single Room (Sngl)
    Notes applicable to all hotels

    Bed & Breakfast: Means that the room price includes the cost of accommodation plus the standard hotel breakfast; you pay for the breakfast whether or not you take it at the hotel!

    Half Board: Means that your room price includes breakfast and either dinner or lunch taken at the hotel. These are charged regardless of whether or not you take these meals.

    Please note that there are plenty of places for lunch/dinner in town; a list of restaurants will be provided with your conference folder.

    Hotel Addresses:

    Hotel Mencey *****
    Hotel Contemporaneo ***
    C/ Dr José Naveiras, 38 
    38004-Santa Cruz Tenerife 
    Phone: (Int) +34-922-276700 
    Fax: (Int) +34-922-280017
    C/ Rambla Gral Franco, 166 
    38001-Santa Cruz Tenerife 
    Phone: (Int)+34-922-271571/72 
    Fax: (Int)+34-922-271223
    Hotel Principe Paz ***
    Hotel Plaza ***
    C/ Valentín Sanz, 33-35 
    38002-Santa Cruz Tenerife 
    Phone: (Int)+34-922-249955 
    Fax: (Int)+34-922-281065
    Plaza Candelaria, 10 
    38002-Santa Cruz Tenerife 
    Phone: (Int)+34-922-272453 
    Fax: (Int)+34-922-275160
    Booking your Hotel:
    In principle, the choice among the three hotels is up to you. However, see the information above for EU grant holders. You may also wish to make your own accommodation arrangements for. In any case, you are kindly requested to fill in the registration form with of your choice indicated. Note that all hotel bookings will be handled by a local travel agent, so PLEASE FILL IN THE HOTEL RESERVATION FORM THAT WILL BE SENT DIRECTLY TO OUR TRAVEL AGENT, specifying the name of the participant you wish to share with:
    Viajes Archipielago

    Phone: (Int) +34 922 24 56 66 
    Fax: (Int) +34 922 24 37 61

    Cancellations: IMPORTANT
    If you plan to cancel your reservations, please contact directly PRIOR to September, 22 at 19:00 (local time). You will be charged the price of one night otherwise.

    The Canary Islands are rather remote from continental Europe, however their connection by air is extremely good. Tenerife is regularly connected to 16 foreign airports. Several times a day there are connections to the major Spanish cities, and there are direct charter flights with more than 112 foreign cities!

    Tenerife has two airports, one in the north Tenerife Norte (TFN), also known as Los Rodeos), and the other in the south, Tenerife Sur (TFS), also known as Reina Sofia. The airport code to search for connections to both airports is TCI.

    Santa Cruz de Tenerife lies 10 km from TFN and 60 km from the TFS, with a motorway link covering the full journey in both cases.

    In most cases Madrid Airport Barajas will be used as transfer when coming from non-European countries. There are daily flights connecting worldwide locations and Madrid. Madrid-Tenerife is a 2.5 hour flight operated by IBERIA or other Spanish regular airlines (Spanair, Air Europe) and costs 40,000 pesetas or less, but depends highly on early booking and offers. Frequent connections are also operated through Barcelona for similar prices.

    Given the abundant number of charter flights to Tenerife from all over Europe, connections through any other major European airport can be considered.

    TFN is only connected to Spanish cities, whereas TFS is a national as well as an international airport. Both have good connections for ground transportation. Please consult our Web pages for maps of the island. TFN is more convenient as it is rather closer to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, and for flights from Madrid it has more frequent connections.

    Online information about flights arriving at or departing from Madrid, Barcelona and TFS airports can be obtained at:

  • Local Transport: In principle the Conference LOC will not provide transport from the airport to the conference site or vice versa. Depending on the demand we can arrange a bus connected with the Iberia arrival from Madrid at 18:40h. See updated information on our Web page.

  • There is a very good bus service - here buses are called guaguas . These buses of the company TITSA (green buses) run frequently and cheaply. They are quite comfortable and most of them are air-conditioned. Taxis are inexpensive compared to European standards. Renting a car may also be an alternative, since car rentals in Tenerife are rather cheap (about 25,000-35,000 pesetas a week for a small car). In both airports, the booths of Cicar and Autos Reisen generally offer the best rates.
  • If you are arriving at Tenerife South Airport (TFS) Reina Sofia: A direct bus service, line 341, to the main bus terminal in Santa Cruz, leaves the airport at 06:50, 07:50, 08:50, 09:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:10, 13:10, 14:10, 14:50, 15:50, 16:50, 17:30, 18:30, 19:30, 20:10, 21:10, 22:10, 22:50, 23:45 and 1:30. Price of one way ticket is 700 pesetas. You can either catch a taxi (~6000 pesetas).

  • If you are arrive at Tenerife North Airport (TFN) Los Rodeos: There are four different lines to Santa Cruz: 102, 107, 108, 109. The price of one way ticket is 150 pesetas. A taxi would cost ~1700 pesetas.

  • Changing Money: If you need to change foreign currency upon arrival, there is a bank in the international arrivals lounge at the TFS, which operates from Monday to Friday from 8:30h to 13:30h and an exchange desk available typically from 7:00h to 24:00h. Currency exchange facilities are also available at TFN. A Bank desk opens from Monday to Friday from 08:30h to 13:30h, and an exchange desk is available from 10:00h to 14:00h and from 18:00h to 22:00h. Nevertheless, if you have a chance to exchange money at Madrid airport, we advise you do so because of the somewhat erratic service at TFS. Credit cards are widely accepted in Spain (restaurants, hotels, etc.), although not at the meeting desk!



    An exchange desk is also available at Caja Canarias. The Conference Venue itself is a bank!!

    Many banks are available in Santa Cruz, and open Monday to Friday from 9:00h to 13:00h. The current exchange rate is about 170 pesetas per US dollar.

    An abundant number of ATM or cash dispensers for a variety of cards for instant cash can be found on every street-corner: VISA, MasterCard, Cirrus, Maestro, AMEX, etc. There is a small charge involved (approx. 4%).


    The Canarian Archipelago (Tenerife, Gran Canaria, Lanzarote, Fuerteventura, La Gomera, La Palma and El Hierro) is made up of seven volcanic islands located in a privileged part of the Atlantic. Tenerife is the largest island in the Archipelago and the one with the most impressive geography, just over 150 km off the coast of Africa.

    Tenerife is an ideal island for a full and different holiday at any time of the year and has first-quality hotels and outdoor facilities which make it the prime tourist destination in Europe. Its wonderful climate and exuberant natural wonders, including its landscapes so full of contrasts, together with the kindness and hospitality of its people make it yet more attractive to the visitor. The climate on the coast is mild during September-October and is often suitable for bathing, with temperatures in the range 20-25º C during the day and 15-17º C at night.

    Modern and cosmopolitan, and at the same time steeped in its traditions, Tenerife is a paradise for those seeking amusement, sport, light and nature, or simply relaxation and peace An island, and at the same time, a world in itself, there is always more to see and learn about in Tenerife which never ceases to surprise and always beckons us to return.

    The Island;s dramatic orography (Mount Teide, the highest point in Spain, reaches a height of 3,718 metres) and the north-easterly trade winds provide Tenerife with a variety of microclimates which are among its many attractions.


    Santa Cruz de Tenerife is both the island and province capital. With a population of over 220,000, Santa Cruz with its long avenues, quiet squares and busy streets, is a most cosmopolitan, modern and lively city. It has beautiful parks and green areas such as Parque García Sanabria and Parque la Granja. In its streets and gardens, there is a permanent exhibition of sculptures, with works from artists such as Henry Moore. In its shops, you will find all sorts of items from all over the world at very reasonable prices. Santa Cruz lies in a sort of amphitheatre by the sea looking out into a beautiful bay. If you enjoy swimming we strongly recommend that you visit the new César Manrique Maritime Park. This city is a major seaport and fundamental communications link between Europe, Africa and America. Just a few kilometres from the city centre and not far from the fishing village of San Andrés, you have the beach of Las Teresitas with its golden sands. There are historical, scientific and anthropological museums, art galleries, cinemas, a theatre and all kinds of cultural centres. Social and cultural life in Santa Cruz is very intense and this municipality, which is very large, includes Anaga with its host of small villages which are worth a visit for their beauty and traditions and for the spectacular scenery.

    Download a handy map of Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    There are two large hospitals, the General Hospital (Hospital Universitario de Canarias) (phone: 922-678000), which is under the control of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife; and the Residence of the National Health Service (Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria) (phone: 922-602114). Both are amply equipped with the most sophisticated medical facilities. There are also many very good private clinics in Santa Cruz and in the main tourist resorts. Among others there is the private clinic Hospiten Rambla (phone: 922-291600) near the Hotel Mencey and Hotel Contemporáneo.

    There are also Red Cross centres at regular along the main motorways and roads of the island, which have emergency telephones at regular intervals.

    In case of any kind of emergency directly dial 112.

    HOME PAGE || Second announcement

    For any question and/or suggestion regarding the Workshop, please contact the LOC at

    Comments about these pages to: A. Eff-Darwich
    Last modified: Wed Dec 18, 1999