for preparing their
The Proceedings will be published by ESAs Publications Division (EPD) some 3 months after the meeting, as Special Publication SP-463. Authors should submit their hardcopy camera-ready papers to the ESA Editor at the Symposium; electronic input is NOT accepted. To allow this rapid publication and a homogeneous presentation, please prepare your paper as follows:
Use any word-processing software, and
preferably a laser printer.
· Paper format: standard A4
(21 x 29.7 cm) or U.S. letter size (8 ½ x 11 inches)
Use only one side of the paper
· Vertical typing area is
24 cm (for A4 this means a top margin of 3 cm, bottom 2.7 cm)
Horizontal typing area is 17 cm (for A4 this means left and right
margins of 2 cm each)
· Text in two columns of 8 cm width
each, separated by a centre interval of 1 cm
· Justified
text, using Times Roman 10 points; single line space (11 points).
At the top of the first page, to be centred:
· the TITLE (in 11 pt bold CAPITAL letters)
the Authors Name(s) (in mixed case)
· the Authors
affiliation and professional address (with phone/fax numbers and
Start the text (in the left column) with an
abstract of about 150 words
Figures and photographs will be printed in
black and white (NOT colour). Remember that detail and contrast are
lost in printing, so please ensure the illustrations are of good
quality and contrast.
The maximum length is 12 pages for an Invited
paper, 6 pages for an Oral paper, and 4 pages for a
Poster paper.
For any queries concerning the preparation of your manuscript, please contact the Editor:
Mr Andy Wilson
ESA Publications Division, ESTEC
Postbus 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Tel: +31 71 565-3410 Fax: + 31 71 565-5433
E-mail (only for correspondence):
Model of presentation: see <> (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader).
A LaTeX template is available at <>
Further electronic support is not available at this time.