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Satellites and Tidal Streams
ING-IAC Joint Conference
La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain — May 26-30, 2003
Logo IAC
Organization  •  Instructions  •  Program  •  About La Palma

Registration Form
Hotel Booking
Abstract Submission
Financial Support
Visa applications
Travel to La Palma
Proceedings Submission 


Visa Applications

All participants from non-European countries should consult the Spanish Embassy or Consulate of their country and may ask us , if necessary, for a letter on invitation in order to apply for a visa.

This must be done several months before the conference is set to take place, since visa applications can take quite some time.

If you plan to attend the conference, please do not forget to request this letter from us as soon as possible (write to sattail@iac.es).

Web site created and maintained by the IAC's S.I.E. de Investigación: invweb@iac.es
    E-mail: sattail@iac.es
Last updated: Nov 11 2002