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Satellites and Tidal Streams
ING-IAC Joint Conference
La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain — May 26-30, 2003
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Organization  •  Instructions  •  Program  •  About La Palma

Registration Form
Hotel Booking
Abstract submission
Financial Support
Visa applications
Travel to La Palma
Proceedings Submission 


Preparation and Submission of Abstracts

The abstracts for the conference booklet must be prepared using our latex template file.
If you want to compile the abstract at home, you also need to copy the style file.
The page limit is one page; do not change the font size.

Please send in one latex file per contribution by email to sattail@ll.iac.es. Please write your last name and "abstract" in the email subject.

All contributions presented at the Conference (Invited Reviews, Contributed Talks and Posters) will be included in the proceedings volume, to be published in the Astronomical Society of the Pacifics (ASP) Conference Series.

The deadline for the submission of abstracts in latex format is April 25, 2003.

Web site created and maintained by the IAC's S.I.E. de Investigación: invweb@iac.es
    E-mail: sattail@iac.es
Last updated: April 1, 2003