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Satellites and Tidal Streams
ING-IAC Joint Conference
La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain — May 26-30, 2003
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Abstract submission
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Proceedings submission 


Preparation and Submission of Contributions for the Conference Proceedings

The deadline is August 31, 2003

Please send in one latex file per contribution by email to sattail@ll.iac.es. Please write your name and "proceedings" in the email subject.

The proceedings for this meeting will be published as a volume of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series. You will find the LaTeX style file (newpasp.sty) and the author manual (available in PDF: newpaspman.pdf, in Postscript: newpaspman.ps , and in LaTeX format: newpaspman.tex), which you can download by clicking on the above links.

The manual is designed to take you through the entire process of typesetting your article in LaTeX on the assumption that you know no LaTeX at all. However, it contains much useful information even for those who use LaTeX frequently. Please consult it before you start typesetting.

Please DO:

  • download the ASP macros only from this page (if you experience any problems in doing this, then please write to Terry Mahoney, tjm@ll.iac.es).
  • stick to the set page limits, which are:
    • 10 pages for review articles and invited talks;
    • 4 pages for short talks and posters
  • use American spelling.
  • make sure that your tables and figures do not exceed the text width of the page.
  • check your bibliographical references with great care and include full bibliographical details of all literature cited.
  • convert any colour illustrations to grey-scale (otherwise resolution is lost and the figures will be unacceptable), unless you intend them to be printed in colour (see following).
  • (if you wish to use colour) send your institution's credit card details to the editors for billing by ASP. Colour printing is exorbitantly expensive (approximately USD 1000 per full page of colour). The cost of colour plates must be met in full by the author's institution.
  • send in you contribution before the deadline for submission.

Please do NOT:

  • submit your article until you are absolutely sure that it compiles properly without any compiling errors. If any compiling errors remain, then your article will be returned to you for you to iron out the bugs before resubmitting.
  • try to squeeze in more text at by altering the format of the style file. All such alterations will be removed without exception. It will save both you and us a lot of time if you adjust the length of your article to the established page limits.

Note: ASP will soon be converting its macros from LaTeX 2.09 to LaTeX 2e; however, for the timespan of the edition of these proceedings the older version of LaTeX is to be used. Your LaTeX compiler should be able still to compile texts prepared with version 2.09.

Web site created and maintained by the IAC's S.I.E. de Investigación: invweb@iac.es
    E-mail: sattail@iac.es
Last updated: June 16, 2003