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Satellites and Tidal Streams
ING-IAC Joint Conference
La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain — May 26-30, 2003
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Scientific Program
List of Participants
Social Events
Abstracts Booklet
Conference Photos 


Scientific Program (preliminary)

Click on the title of the talks to obtain their abstracts, which will be displayed in a separate window. The list of posters can be found at the end of this page.

Sunday, May 25
Registration of the participants
Welcome cocktail
Monday, May 26
Welcome and formal opening of the conference
Introduction by S. White
Session 1: Dark Matter in Galaxies.
Chair: D. Lynden-Bell
10:00-10:45 Review: Dark Matter in Galaxies - A. Klypin
10:45-11:05 Observing the Dark Matter Density Profile of Isolated Galaxies from SDSS Satellite Dynamics - F. Prada
Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
11:35-12:05 Invited talk: Dark Matter in Dwarf Galaxies - L. Blitz and J. Simon
12:05-12:15 Dwarf Dark Matter Halos - P. Colin
12:15-12:35 Is there Evidence for Cores in the Halos of Disk Galaxies?: The Case of NGC-3109 - O. Valenzuela
12:35-12:55 Indirect Searches for SUSY Dark Matter with the Next Generation of Cherenkov Telescopes - J. Flix
12:55-16:00 Lunch break
Session 2: Galactic Halo Substructure and the Formation of the Milky Way
Chair: E. Grebel
16:00-16:45 Review: Substructure in the Galactic Halo - S. Majewski
16:45-17:05 Dwarf Satellites and the Residue of Hierarchical Cosmology - J. Bullock
17:05-17:25 On the nature of the ring-like structure in the outer Galactic disk - A. Helmi
17:25-17:55 Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
17:55-18:25 Invited talk: Halo Substructure in the QUEST RR Lyrae Survey - R. Zinn
18:25-18:35 Plotting Galactic Halo Stars in Phase Space: A Hint of Satellite Accretion? - C. Brook
18:35-18:55 SDSS RR Lyrae - Z. Ivezic
18:55-19:05 Velocities of RR Lyrae Stars in the Sagittarius Tidal Stream - K. Vivas
19:05-19:25 Milky Way Halo Substructure from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - H. Newberg
Tuesday, May 27
Session 3: Satellites and CDM Models: The Dark Matter Content of Dwarf Spheroidals
Chair: J. Primack
09:00-09:45 Review: Satellite Galaxies and Dark Matter Substructure - B. Moore
09:45-10:05 Heating of Galactic Disks by Dark Satellites - A. Benson
10:05-10:25 Parameters of Minor Mergers - M. Bertschik
10:25-10:45 PDF of Density Fluctuations and the complete Zeldovich Approximation - J. Betancort
10:45-11:15 Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
11:15-11:45 Invited talk: Tidal Streams and Low Mass Companions of M31 - R. Braun
11:45-12:05 Parametric Tidal Excitation of Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies - J. Kuhn
12:05-12:25 Galaxies and Overmerging: What does it take to destroy a Satellite Galaxy? - S. Kazantzidis
12:25-12:45 On the Possible Merger Origin of Dwarf Galaxies - M. Wetzstein
12:45-12:55 Tidal Dwarfs in Wolf-Rayet Galaxies -A. López-Sánchez
12:55-16:00 Lunch break
16:00-16:30 Invited talk: Satellites and CDM Models - S. White
16:30-16:50 Dark Matter in the Ursa Minor Draco - J. Kleyna
16:50-17:10 Invited talk: The Density Profile of Dark Matter Halos from Dwarf Galaxy Rotation Curves (M. Balcells)
17:10-17:20 Substructure in the Fornax dSph Galaxy - M. Coleman
17:20-17:50 Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
17:50-18:10 New Surveys of Companions to E and S0 Galaxies - B. Madore
18:10-19:10 Discussion: The Missing Satellite Crisis
19:20 Public talk by Juan Manuel Castro: La Palma: the beautiful island
22:00-23:30 Jazz session at the hotel
Wednesday, May 28
Session 4: Mass Substructure from Gravitational Lensing
Chair: K. Kuijken
09:30-10:15 Review: Mass Substructure from Gravitational Lensing - P. Schneider
10:15-10:35 The Effect of isolated Halos on Lensing Searches for Substructure - J. Chen
10:35-11:05 Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
11:05-11:35 Probing Substructure with Gravitational Lensing - N. Dalal
11:35-11:55 The Satellite-Substructure Connection - J. Taylor
14:00-21:00 Guided visit to the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory.
Thursday, May 29
Session 5: Tidal Streams and the Disruption of Satellite Galaxies
Morning Chair: R. Zinn & Afternoon Chair: G. da Costa
09:00-09:45 Review: Streams in the Halos of the Milky Way and Andromeda - R. Ibata
09:45-10:15 Invited talk: Telling Tails About Galaxies - K. Johnston
10:15-10:35 Globular Clusters in the Sgr Stream - M. Bellazzini
10:35-11:05 Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
11:05-11:35 Coupling between Satellite Dwarfs and the Milky Way Warp - J. Bailin
11:35-11:55 Dwarf Spheroidals in a CDM Universe - L. Mayer
11:55-12:15 The Origin of the Magellanic Stream and Constraints on the Halo Gas Density - C. Mastropietro
12:15-12:35 Modeling the Tidal Tails of the Sagittarius Dwarf Galaxy - D. Law
12:35-12:55 The Tidal Tails of the Globular Cluster Omega Centauri - S. Zaggia
12:55-16:00 Lunch break
16:00-16:45 Review: Ghostly Streams from the past still present - D. Lynden-Bell
16:45-17:15 Invited talk: Satellites and Streams in the Galactic Halo: Galactic Structure with the Sloan Digital Sky Survey - E. Grebel
17:15-17:35 Tidal disruption of the Milky Way dwarf satellites - D. Martínez-Delgado
17:35-18:05 Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
18:05-18:35 Invited talk: A Wide Field Survey of M31 - M. Irwin
18:35-18:55 The Shape of the Milky Way Halo and the Satellite Tidal Streams - M. Gómez-Flechoso
20:45 Conference Dinner at the hotel
Friday, May 30
Session 6: Galaxy formation and the faint end of the Luminosity Function
Chair: M. Balcells
09:30-10:15 Review: Galaxy Formation and the Faint End of the Luminosity Function - J. Primack
10:15-10:45 Invited talk: Galaxy Formation in CDM Cosmology: Crises and Possible Solutions - A. Dekel
10:45-10:55 XMM observations of Hot Gas in Low Mass Dwarf Galaxies - M. Kappes
10:55-11:15 Dwarf galaxy populations in varying environments - J. Davies
11:15-11:45 Coffee break & POSTER SESSION
11:45-12:05 Stellar Populations and HI Properties of the Newly Discovered Gas-Rich Dwarf Galaxies in the Centaurus A Group - M. Grossi
12:05-12:25 Satellites of Elliptical Galaxies - R. Smith
12:25-13:25 Conference summary by A. Klypin
13:25- Lunch break
20:00 Latin party at the "aero-club"
Saturday, May 31
11:00-19:00 Excursion to the south of La Palma (lunch included on route)



M. Azzaro Dynamical Properties of External Systems of Satellite Galaxies
G. Carraro Morphological Evolution of Dwarf Galaxies in the Local Group
R.L.M. Corradi & C. Davenport Planetary nebulae as tracers of stellar populations at large galactocentric distances
G. Da Costa Probing Omega Cen's tidal tails with 2dF
N. Falcon Cooling and Thermal Conduction in Clusters of Galaxies
J. Flix The MAGIC Cherenkov Telescope
J. Funes Star Formation in Satellite Galaxies
S. Gill Satellite Galaxies within the Potential of Massive Host Galaxies
C. Grillmair Globular Cluster Tidal Tails in the 2MASS Point Source Catalog
A. Huxor Newly Discovered Globular Clusters in the Outer Halo of M31
A. Koch The Luminosity Function of the Globular Cluster Palomar 5 and its Tidal Tails
J.R. Kuhn New Deep Wide-field observations of Draco and Ursa Minor
P. Leisy Local Group and nearby Galaxies: new PNe
A. McConnachie et al. Determining the Structure of M31's Giant Tidal Stream
L. Monaco The Stellar Populations in the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy
N. Noel Statistical Studies of Dwarf Galaxies using the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey
M. Odenkirchen & E. Grebel The Tidal Perturbation of the Low-mass Globular Cluster NGC 5466
S. Piatek Proper Motions of the Carina, Fornax, Sculptor and Ursa Minor Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxies
M. Pohlen Tidal Streams around External Galaxies
M. Segall Is the Draco Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy Tidally Disrupted?
M. Seigar A Triple Nucleus in the Brightest Cluster Galaxy in Abell 193
T. Westmeier Effelsberg HI Survey of Compact High-Velocity Clouds


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Last updated: May 20, 2003