Monday 21st (Chair: Sacha Brun) |
Time |
Activity |
09:30 — 09:45 |
Welcome address by the IAC director. Valentín Martínez Pillet. |
09:45 — 10:30 |
Helioseismic holography as an approximate inverse mapping. Laurent Gizon. |
10:30 — 10:45 |
Indications for the meeting. LOC. |
10:45 — 11:30 |
Coffee Break*. |
11:30 — 12:15 |
Improved far-side helioseismology. Dan Yang. |
12:15 — 13:00 |
Near-continuous monitoring of a long-lived active region nest with Solar Orbiter. Adam Finley. |
13:00 — 14:00 |
Lunch*. |
14:00 — 15:30 |
Group meetings. |
15:30 — 16:00 |
Coffee break*. |
16:00 — 18:00 |
Group meetings. |
Tuesday 22nd (Chair: Laurent Gizon) |
Time |
Activity |
09:30 — 10:15 |
Quantitative iterative helioseismic holography. Björn Müller. |
10:15 — 11:00 |
Effect of twist on flux emergence and solar activity. Vera Agalianou. |
11:00 — 11:30 |
Group photo & Coffee Break*. |
11:30 — 12:15 |
Magnetic Flux Emergence in F-stars. Juxhin Zhuleku. |
12:15 — 13:00 |
Linking ASH and Bifrost for Better Solar Simulations & A Quick Update on the Whole SUN Benchmark. Mikolaj Szydlarski. |
13:00 — 14:00 |
Lunch*. |
14:00 — 15:30 |
Group meetings. |
15:30 — 16:00 |
Coffee break*. |
16:00 — 18:00 |
Group meetings. |
Wednesday 23rd (Chair: Fernando Moreno-Insertis) |
Time |
Activity |
09:30 — 10:15 |
Small-scale magnetic flux emergence preceding a chain of energetic solar atmospheric events. Daniel Nóbrega-Siverio. |
10:15 — 11:00 |
Energy and helicity evolution in a flux emergence simulation. Kostas Moraitis. |
11:00 — 11:30 |
Coffee Break*. |
11:30 — 12:15 |
Chromospheric heating and flux emergence: from Bifrost to observations. Quentin Noraz. |
12:15 — 13:00 |
MANCHA3D Code: Multipurpose Advanced Nonideal MHD Code for High-Resolution Simulations in Astrophysics. Elena Khomenko. |
13:00 — 14:00 |
Lunch*. |
14:00 — 19:30 |
OT visit. |
Thursday 24th (Chair: Vasilis Archontis) |
Time |
Activity |
09:30 — 10:15 |
Magnetic flux emergence and solar jets. Angelos Giannis. |
10:15 — 11:00 |
Parametric simulations of the propagation of solar jets: investigating the solar origin of switchbacks. Etienne Pariat. |
11:00 — 11:30 |
Coffee Break*. |
11:30 — 12:15 |
Synthesis of the intensity and polarization of forbidden lines for rMHD Bifrost models of low-corona structures. Ernest Alsina Ballester. |
12:15 — 13:00 |
Update on the global MHD simulations of the Sun. Andrius Popovas. |
13:00 — 14:00 |
Lunch*. |
14:00 — 15:30 |
Group meetings. |
15:30 — 16:00 |
Coffee break*. |
16:00 — 18:00 |
Group meetings. |
19:30 — 22:30 |
Group dinner at Hotel Nivaria. |
Friday 25th (Chair: Mats Carlsson) |
Time |
Activity |
10:00 — 10:45 |
Characterising solar eruptions through data-constrained MHD simulations. Valeria Sieyra. |
10:45 — 11:30 |
Coffee Break*. |
11:30 — 12:15 |
Determining the most accurate chromospheric plasma temperature measurements in the field of view. Eva Sola Viladesau. |
12:15 — 13:00 |
Non-cartesian mappings for solar simulations in Dyablo. Grégoire Doebele. |
13:00 — 14:00 |
Lunch*. |
14:00 |
End of the meeting. |
The abstracts of the talks can be downloaded here:
*Lunches and coffee breaks are covered by the "Whole Sun" project. This project has received funding from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (Grant Agreement No 810218").