Financial Support


Financial support is now closed. 


The IAU provides funding for a number of grants, which will be administered by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias. Grants can include a waiver of the registration fee, travel, and/or accommodation support. Grants will be paid either in-kind or by bank transfer after the conference.

Please register at the Registration Page before requesting financial support. You can register without paying the registration fee.

Grants are primarily aimed at students and colleagues from developing countries from institutes which cannot provide travel funding, or those who otherwise cannot attend without support.

Financial support must be requested when registering, by 15 March 2019. Results of the grant application round will be communicated before the end of March 2019. The results from this application round will be final and cannot be appealed against.

To request financial support, please fill in the following form. Note that you must register before you submit the grant application form (you can register without paying the registration fee).


Financial support is now closed.

Financial Support Form