to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

Radial distributions of Spectral absorption indices in spiral disks
Mercedes Mollá & Eduardo Hardy

We will show the predicted results computed for a grid of 440 spectro-photometrical models applied to spiral and irregular galaxies. They have been calculated consistently with evolutionary synthesis models which uses as input the information proceeding from chemical evolution models from Molla & Diaz (2005). Since the star formation history is continous in these galaxies, the comparison of the spectro-photometrical data, such as spectral energy distribution, colors or spectral indices , with the predictions of single stellar population (SSP) models produces a lost of information since only the averaged stellar age and metallicity for the mix of stellar populations may be obtained. The chemical abundances and other present time data constraint the possible evolutionary histories in those galaxies. Thus, by using both kind of codes we may determine these histories in spirals with high precision.

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