to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

Stellar Populations in the center of the barred galaxy NGC 4900
Simon Cantin, Carmelle Robert, Anne Pellerin, Mercedes Mollá

The central regions of spiral galaxies host both young and old stellar populations. Using the integral field spectrometer OASIS and population synthesis codes, LavalSB for young (<10 Myrs) populations and a code from Mollá & García-Vargas for the older populations, we characterise the superposed stellar population in the barred spiral galaxy NGC 4900. Thanks to the high spatial resolution of the instrument we are able to distinguish among close populations and to study their relation with each other. We find that while old populations seem to be distributed uniformly in the central few kpc, the younger populations flow along the bar up to two larges regions that might form the beginning of a circumnuclear ring.

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