to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

Age, metallicity and alpha-enhancement of stellar population in spiral galaxy bulges
L. Morelli, E. Pompei, A. Pizzella, L. Coccato, E.M. Corsini, J. Mendez Abreu, R.P. Saglia, F. Bertola

In this poster we present an extensive project aimed at studying the stellar population of bulges in spiral galaxies to understand their chemical properties and if these properties differ from those of elliptical galaxies. To achieve these goals, we observed a sample of disk galaxies in field and in cluster. We measured the main Lick indices (${\rm H}_{\beta}$, {\rm Mg}\,$_2$, $$, ${\rm MgFe}$) and the principal kinematical parameters (velocity, velocity dispersion) as function of the galactocentric radius, in order to determine the age, metallicity and alpha-enhancement for all the sample galaxies. $\alpha$/Fe supersolar and constant value along the radial profile, in most of the galaxies, suggest that the star formation in these objects has been fast and occur at the same time in the whole bulge.

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