to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

SSP models in the VO framework
M. Cerviño, V. Luridiana, C. Rodrigo, E. Solano, E. Terlevich, R. Terlevich

The theory woking group in the Intenational Virtual Observatory Alliance (IVOA) has the goal of ensuring that theoretical data and services are taken into account in the IVOA standards process. In this talk I present some of the efforts in the theoretical working group to include Evolutionary Synthesis Models in the VO framework. In particular I will present the VO tool PGos3, developed by the Spanish Virtual Observatory and the INAOE (Mexico) that includes most of public SSP models in the VO framework (e.j. VOSpec). I will also present the problems related with the inclusion of sinthesis models in the VO framework and I will try to encorage people in the metting to joint the IVOA theory working group, where the data model of synthesis models (the way how synthesis models must be described) must be defined.

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