to IAU
Symposium 241

Abstract details

Chemodynamical models of barred galaxies
H. Wozniak & N. Champavert

Beside the well-known effects of massive dark halos, most of morphological and kinematical properties of disc galaxies are driven by a mixture of dynamics (mainly the bar instability) and stellar population evolution. To sort out the physical origins of the main observational properties of barred galaxies, we have performed chemodynamical simulations of isolated galaxies including stars, gas, star formation, and feedback). Multi-wavelength mock images of these simulations, calibrated with population synthesis codes have been analyzed like real observations. Morphological and kinematical properties have been compared to dynamical quantities (resonance locations, bar pattern speed, ...). We discuss the relevance of some observational quantities and consequences for recent debates on the evolution of stellar bars in a cosmological context.

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