Programa PDF

IX Día de Nuestra Ciencia
Orfeón La Paz, La Laguna, May 26th, 2017
FINAL Programme


9:00-9:10 Rafael Rebolo Welcome address
9:10-9:20 Clara Eugenia García MINECO
9:20-9:30 Enric Pallé Research Division
9:30-9:35 Ignacio Trujillo (S - Staff) Hunting in the Darkness
9:35-9:40 Andrés Asensio Ramos (S) Deep Learning in Astrophysics
9:40-9:45 Ramón García López (S) The extreme gamma-ray Universe with CTA

9:45-9:50 Flavia Dell'Agli (P - Postdoc) Asymptotic Giant Branch stars: gas and dust polluters of the Universe
9:50-9:55 Julia de León (P) Mapping primitive material in the asteroid belt: the PRIMASS survey 
9:55-10:00 Open discussion


10:00-10:05 Alexandre Vazdekis (S) The UV side of massive elliptical galaxies: per mil levels contributions from young components
10:05-10:10 María Montes Solís (D - PhD Student) Bayesian analysis of the solar corona
10:10-10:15 Francisco-Shu Kitaura (P) BAREMBAO: the Sound of the Universe and the Dance of the Galaxies
10:15-10:20 Tomás Ruiz-Lara (P)    Resolving the unresolved: A comparison study between integrated and resolved stellar populations analysis
10:20-10:25 Víctor Sánchez Béjar (S)    CARMENES: A radial-velocity search for Earth-like planets around M stars
10:25-10:30 Nuria Salvador (D) Galaxies simple stellar populations with J-PLUS
10:30-10:35 Anselmo Sosa Méndez (OTRI)  Grants, Institutional Projects and Technology Transfer Office
10:35-10:40 Gaia Vanzo (D) The MAGIC of EBL
Cristina Martínez Lombilla  Where do galaxy disks end?
10:45-10:50 Hannu Parviainen Ground-based exoplanet transmission spectroscopy with the GTC
10:50-11:00 Open discussion

11:00-11:30 Coffee Break


11:30-11:35 Javier Román García (D) Low surface brightness universe with the IAC Stripe82 legacy survey
11:35-11:40 Nayra Rodríguez Eugenio (UC3)         Robots looking at the sky
11:40-11:45 Antonio Ferragamo (D) How to obtain a bias-corrected galaxy clusters velocity dispersion
11:45-11:50 Thomas Masseron (P)         Molecular carbon, stellar nucleosynthesis and Galactic populations
11:50-11:55 Enric Pallé (for Roi Alonso)  Open time for the community in the CHEOPS mission
11:55-12:00 José M. Rodríguez Espinosa (S) Unresolved binary AGN discovered through spectroscopy in Mrk 622
12:00-12:05 Beatriz Ruiz Granados (P)         Magnetic fields and CMB
12:05-12:10 Edoardo Lagioia (P)                  The RGB Bumps of multiple stellar populations
12:10-12:15 Francesca Pinna (D)                 How did thick disks appear in spiral galaxies?
12:15-12:20 Frédérick Poidevin (P)                 Anomalous Microwave Emission Characterisation in the Taurus Molecular Cloud Complex
12:20-12:30 Open discussion


12:30-12:35 Felipe Jiménez Ibarra (D)            Bowen emission as a tracer of the outer accretion disc rim size: the case of Aql X-1
12:35-12:40 Jakub Nadolny (D)      Morphological analysis of OTELO survey galaxies
12:40-12:45 Marcos Pellejero (D) Holy Grail of neutrino cosmology physics
12:45-12:50 Alicia López Oramas (P)          
VHE gamma-ray binaries
12:50-12:55 Lara Monteagudo Narvión (D)      On the formation of the LMC bar
12:55-13:00 Javier Herrera Llorente (MAGIC) PSR J2032+4127: A binary candidate
13:00-13:05 Marco Gómez Muñoz (D)      Spectral energy distribution of planetary nebulae detected by GALEX
13:05-13:10 Ana Monreal Ibero (P)      The Wolf-Rayet star population in the dwarf galaxy NGC 625
13:10-13:15 Denis Tramonte (D)   The conditional mass function of dark matter halos
13:15-13:20 César Esteban (S)      Does the oxygen gradient flatten at the anticentre of the Galaxy? The final answer
13:20-13:30 Open discussion

13:30-14:15 Break, snack and drinks


14:15-14:20 John Beckman (S)                         7 Determinaciones del Radio de Corrotación de la Barra de NGC3433
14:20-14:25 Lee Patrick (P)        The different faces of Massive Stars and where to find them
Peter Pessev (GTC) Luminous Red Novae - GTC observations and future prospects
14:30-14:35 Rafael Barrena (P)  Optical follow-up of Planck SZ sources from Canary Island observatories
14:35-14:40 Nikolay Britavskiy (P)  Massive stars in the Local Universe
14:40-14:45 Johan Knapen (S) SUNDIAL: a new European network combining astronomy and computer science
14:45-14:50 Pablo Redondo Caicoya ()   Presenting IACTec: 9 human-sized bodies found in the habitable zone around IAC main building
14:50-14:55 Amanda Del Olmo García XMP Galaxies and Stellar Feedback
14:55-15:00 Carlos Allende Prieto Libraries of model stellar spectral
15:00-15:10 Open discussion    

15:10-16:00 Brindis and awards