Galaxy protoclusters in the era of SHARKS & EUCLID

Nataliya Ramos Chernenko, Carlos M. GutiƩrrez, Helmut Dannerbauer.


How was the formation of the large-scale structures in the early universe? This is a question about which very little is known from empirical evidence. Unveiling galaxy clusters in formation (i.e., protoclusters) is essential to explore the structure formation scenarios and to constrain our cosmological models. The upcoming survey projects such as EUCLID and LSST will help to reveal these early structures, although, they alone might miss valuable information at the tail of the near-IR band. Here we present the ESO public survey SHARKS (Southern H-ATLAS Regions Ks-band Survey; PI: H. Dannerbauer) in the Ks-band, a perfect complementary dataset to the optical and near-IR surveys. The aims and motivation of the newly started PhD project are also introduced.