Is ram-pressure enhanced in merging clusters?

Ana Lourenço, Yara Jaffé, GASP collaboration


In a hierarchical Universe, galaxy clusters continue to grow with cosmic time, and thus a large number of them are disturbed by the accretion of groups or major collisions. Hydrodynamical simulations and a few observational works show that ram-pressure stripping can be enhanced in merging clusters providing an alternative way of forming jellyfish galaxies. In this work, we classify the dynamical state of WINGS, OmegaWINGS, and GASP samples using different proxies from the most diverse wavelengths in order to investigate how the fractions of jellyfish galaxies among the spiral population within a fixed physical radius (0.7 R200) correlate with the cluster “messiness”. We found no correlation between the dynamical state and the jellyfish fractions. We also found no correlation between cluster mass and jellyfish fractions. We tentatively create a dynamical state classification system taking into account dynamic state classification parameters of different wavelengths and when analyzing the results they remained unchanged. These results seem twice counter-intuitive since in massive clusters the higher intracluster gas density should lead to stronger ram-pressure and that in messy environments the higher relative velocity between the ICM and the galaxies should also provide a ram-pressure enhancement.