Workshop registration form

The registration is open until August 30. For the first 45 participants we can waive the conference fee. For additional participants the conference fee will be €135. Information on the payment method will be provided in an email reply to the registration a few weeks prior to the conference dates.

Additional information

Basic information on Personal Data Protection

Purpose The data will be used for the correct administrative management of the event (congress, workshop or course)
Legitimate basis Performance of a contract.
Rights Right to request access to and rectification or erasure of personal data as well as other rights detailed in the additional information.
Additional informationSee the additional information about Personal Data Protection

By clicking on Submit I accept the personal data protection policy and the Code of Conduct of the IAC.

If you wish to book the conference hotel, please proceed to our partner website for payment. On that webpage, you can also apply for the hotel waiver.