Meeting venue

The workshop will take place at the hotel H10 Taburiente Playa in Los Cancajos, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, on April 18-21, 2023. We recommend to stay in hotel  H10 Taburiente Playa . The hotel offers double rooms with sea views for :

- Accommodation and breakfast (single use): 66,00 Euro per day

- Accommodation and breakfast (double occupancy) : 88,00 Euro per day

Half board supplement: €4.00 per person/day
Supplement Paquete de Drinks: €5.00 per person/service

The booking period at this price is from 17-22 April 2023 but in principle the participants want to extend their stay before and/or after the workshop.

Reservations of rooms will be done via email with the code PRISTINE2023. We will provide further instructions soon. 

If you are coming with an accompanying person/s, please let us know it by including this information in the "comments" box in the online-registration form . We will assume your accompanying person/s will come to the dinner. Please, indicate any other issue you considered relevant, such as food allergies, etc.

The hotel can be reached by taxi or bus from La Palma airport in about 5 min.

We have blocked 20 rooms for this workshop at special prices (see above, taxes included) for a double room with single person occupancy, booking will be valid between Monday 17 to Saturday 22 April 2023. When arranging the reservation with the hotel (bookings e-mail: to be provided soon ) make it clear that you will be participating in the PRISTINE workshop to receive this offer and mention the following code PRISTINE2023. The rooms will remain blocked until January 30 (TBC), after that date the hotel cannot warrant the availability of rooms nor the agreed prices.

Workshop fee payment 

There will be a workshop fee to cover the organization and logistics of the workshop. The instructions will be provided soon.

Visit to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos

The visit to the La Palma Observatory  will be on Wednesday 19 April 2023. We will be able to visit the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) with the WEAVE instrument installed and in operations, and we will be able to visit the Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC). More instructions will be provided soon.

Social dinner 

The social dinner will be on Wednesday 19 April 2023. Please, indicate in the online-registration form your choice for the menu of the dinner. More instructions will be provided soon.

Visit to Tajogaite Volcano and dinner 

On Thursday 20 April 2023, during the evening, we will visit the Tajogaite (Cumbre Vieja) volcano in El Paso, on the west part of La Palma, and have dinner in a restaurant close to the volcano. More instructions will be provided soon.

Getting to La Palma (flight information)

There is an  international airport in La Palma, which connects very well the island of La Palma with Madrid in about 2,5 hours and Barcelona in about 3 hours. The airport is also well connected with airports of many cities in Europe.

Getting to your Hotel (local transport)

From La Palma Airport (SPC)

We recommend you to take a taxi since the airport is about 5 min from Los Cancajos, thus it is the easiest way to get to Los Cancajos, and it will just cost you around 10 €. Alternatively, there are frequent buses from the airport to Los Cancajos (line 500). These buses going to Los Cancajos (in their way to Santa Cruz de La Palma) stop just close to the entrance to the hotel  H10 Taburiente Playa .