
Preliminary Agenda. Note that the times are in WEST / CEST-1 / GMT+1 / UTC+1 time

Start     Duration    Tuesday April 18 - DAY 1   
09:00 00:20 Welcome & Logistics Jonay González Hernández
09:20 00:10 Round of introductions All
09:30 01:00 Pristine collaboration (code of conduct, publication policy, MNRAS fees, etc) & state of affairs Else Starkenburg & Nicolas Martin
10:30 00:30 Coffee Break
11:00 00:20 Pristine catalogues Nicolas Martin
11:20 00:20 Pristine calibration & calibration package Zhen Yuan
11:40 00:20 Deadline with extinction Anke Arentsen
12:00 00:20 Teff, logg and Age determination of Pristine stars Georges Kordopatis
12:20 00:20 Catalogue discussions All
13:00 01:30 Lunch
14:30 00:20 WEAVE status Giuseppina Battaglia
14:50 00:20 WEAVE target lists + paper/SV Else Starkenburg
15:10 00:20 Quick access to WEAVE EMP spectra & CDPs Anke Arentsen & David Aguado
15:30 00:30 WEAVE discussions, inc. follow-up All
16:00 00:30 Coffee Break
16:30 00:20 UVES@VLT high-resolution follow-up of the Pristine-Gaia synthetic catalog Felipe Gran & Emma Fernández-Alvar & Georges Kordopatis
16:50 00:20 Testing the robustness of the GaiaXP-PrisSynth catalogue in the context of the metal-poor thin disc Isaure Gonzalez Rivera
17:10 00:20 High-res (ESPaDOnS) analysis of VMP stars with planar orbits Federico Sestito
17:30 00:30 MW structure/dynamics discussions All
18:00   END of DAY 1


Start    Duration    Wednesday April 19 - DAY 2   
08:30 06:30 Trip to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos All
16:00   END of DAY 2
19:00 03:00 Social Dinner  


Start    Duration    Thursday April 20 - DAY 3   
09:00 00:20 High resolution spectroscopy and Lithium in iron-poor stars Jonay González Hernández
09:20 00:20 Latest 12C/13C results and perspectives with Pristine targets David Aguado
09:40 00:20 Chemodynamics of EMP stars from the INT follow-up Akshara Viswanathan
10:00 00:20 HRS analysis of stars in C19 Kim Venn
10:20 00:10 Follow-up discussions All
10:30 00:30 Coffee Break
11:00 00:20 Orbiting PIGS & PIGS/4MOST Anke Arentsen
11:20 00:20 A spectral analysis for the Sagittarius core and its stellar populations Sara Vitali
11:40 00:20 Exploration of the stellar halo w/ BHB stars selected w/ Pristine & optical data from other surveys Manuel Bayer
12:00 00:20 Dispersal of Stellar Streams Raymond Carlberg
12:20 00:20 Pristine view of the metal-poor population of globular clusters Felipe Gran
12:40 00:20 Streams/halo discussions All
13:00 01:30 Lunch
14:30 00:20 Latest results from the Pristine dwarf galaxy survey (remote) Nicolas Longeard
14:50 00:20 Photometrically identifying CEMP stars in dwarf galaxies and beyond Martin Montelius
15:10 00:20 The extreme outskirt of dwarfs and their tidal effects Federico Sestito
15:30 00:20 On the anti-correlation between pericentric distance and inner dark matter density of Milky Way’s dwarf spheroidal galaxies Giuseppina Battaglia
15:50 00:40 Dwarf galaxy discussions All
16:30 00:30 Coffee Break
17:00   END of DAY 3
18:00 04:30 Trip to Volcano and dinner All


Start    Duration    Friday April 21 - DAY 4   
09:00 01:30 Projects & upcoming papers All
10:30 00:30 Coffee Break
11:00 02:00 Proposals and survey outlook All
13:00 01:30 Lunch
14:30 01:30 Hack time Groups
16:00 00:30 Coffee Break
16:30 01:30 Hack time Groups
18:00   End of the Meeting