Jo PulsUSM/LMU (Germany) Radiation driven windsKeynote talk |
Stan OwockiU. Delaware (USA) Steady vs. eruptive wind mass loss from massive starsInvited talk |
Wolf-Rainer HamannU. Potsdam (Germany) Stellar atmosphere/wind modelingKeynote talk |
Artemio HerreroIAC (Spain) Quantitative spectroscopy of OB-type starsKeynote talk |
John HillierU. Pittsburgh (USA) Quantitative spectroscopy of WRs, LBVs, SNe, and CSPNInvited talk |
Sylvia EkströmObs. Geneva (Switzerland) Single star evolutionInvited talk |
Norbert LangerU. Bonn (Germany) Binary evolution of massive starsInvited talk |
Gloria KoenigsbergerUNAM (Mexico) Atmospheres and winds in binariesKeynote talk |
Conny AertsKULeuven (Belgium) The asteroseismic view of massive starsInvited talk |
Lida OskinovaU. Potsdam (Germany) The X-ray view of massive starsInvited talk |
Rolf KudritzkiUSM/LMU (Germany) & IfA (USA) Extragalactic stellar astronomyKeynote talk |
Paco NajarroCAB (Spain) Infrared studies of massive stars in the Milky WayInvited talk |
Claus LeithererSTScI (USA) Unresolved stellar populationsInvited talk |