Keynote and invited speakers

Joachim Puls (K) USM/LMU (Germany) Radiation driven winds
Stan Owocki (I) U. Delaware (USA) Steady vs. eruptive wind mass loss from massive stars
Wolf-Rainer Hamann (K) U. Potsdam (Germany) Stellar atmopshere/wind modeling
Artemio Herrero (K) IAC (Spain) Quantitative spectroscopy of OB-type stars
John Hillier (I) U. Pittsburgh (USA) Quantitative spectroscopy of WR stars, LBVs, SNe, and CSPN
Sylvia Ekström (I) Obs. Geneva (Switzerland) Single star evolution
Norbert Langer (I) U. Bonn (Germany) Binary evolution of massive stars
Gloria Koenigsberger (K) UNAM (Mexico) Atmospheres and winds in binaries
Conny Aerts (I) KULeuven (Belgium) The asteroseismic view of massive stars
Lida Oskinova (I) U. Potsdam (Germany) The X-ray view of massive stars
Rolf Kudritzki (K) USM/LMU (Germany) & IfA (USA) Extragalactic stellar astronomy
Francisco Najarro (I) CAB (Spain) Infrared studies of massive stars in the Milky Way
Claus Leitherer (I) STScI (USA) Unresolved stellar populations