
This workshop is organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) in collaboration with James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) experts from ESA, and the Spanish JWST team at the Centro de Astrobiología (CAB).   There will be two workshops. The workshop will take place at the IAC headquarters in La Laguna, Tenerife, Canary Islands, Spain, on March 12 and 13 2020 to provide hands-on experience with the various tools supporting preparation and submission of JWST General Observer proposals, in particular for the first JWST General Observers call (GO1) , with a deadline on 1 May 2020. The workshop at CAB will take place on March 16 and 17 2020; more details at their website here .

A full schedule will be released in February 2020 but the the two days will have some overview talks on the scientific goals and instrument specifications alongside handson sessions in which we will introduce the tools, run through some practical examples by introducing the ETC , and  APT  tools, and possibly help users with their specific proposals. These sessions will be quite interactive, with the presenter explaining/demonstrating it step by step and the users following up on their computers and asking questions. JWST experts in the room who are not presenting will provide support to the attendees, answering questions and helping if they get stuck or can’t follow some steps. There will be time to help observers who have already started their JWST proposals and are having specific issues putting their program together. We will provide information prior to the workshop on how to install and run some of the software which will help you to understand the various tools leading up to and following on from the workshop.

Participation is open to anybody interested in JWST, especially those in the Spanish astronomical community who are preparing proposals for the first JWST cycle. The number of participants is limited to 70. There are no registration fees. Lunch will be provided by the IAC free of charge. 

Important links