
The meeting will be held at the IACTEC in La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain. We anticipate the sessions taking place in the mornings (from Monday to Thursday) and early afternoons, leaving the afternoons free for breakout sessions, social gatherings, or leisure. On Wednesday afternoon, we plan an excursion to Teide Observatory. Friday will be reserved for the hackathon sessions you propose or informal small group meetings. 


Scope of the workshop

Time-domain astronomy has recently emerged as a cornerstone of modern astrophysics, enabling the discovery and detailed study of transient and variable phenomena across the Universe. From stellar explosions to tidal disruption events, from gravitational wave counterparts to active galactic nuclei variability, time-domain data provide novel insight into the complex astrophysical processes. However, to fully harness the scientific potential of this emerging field, it is critical to integrate observations from across the electromagnetic spectrum and beyond, incorporating gravitational waves, neutrinos, and other messengers. 

GaiaAlerts2025 continues the series initiated in 2010 by members of the Gaia space mission, including scientists from the University of Cambridge and the University of Warsaw. The 2025 workshop will celebrate the end of the Gaia space mission operations. It will also concentrate on time-domain archives and multimessenger observations as part of the new Horizon Europe grant ACME. It will gather experts from time-domain astronomical surveys like Gaia, ZTF, OGLE, and LOFAR, alongside scientists analysing the data. For the first time, the workshop aims to unite researchers from various multimessenger fields, including optical, radio, X-ray, UV, gravitational waves, and neutrinos, providing a platform to discuss synergies and access extensive time-domain archives. 

The workshop will also focus on the global telescope network This unique infrastructure, currently supported by the Horizon Europe ACME grant, is designed to coordinate follow-up observations of time-domain events with a global network of small and medium-sized telescopes, including ones in the Canaries. The workshop will facilitate discussions among telescope directors, operators, and users, address operational challenges, and explore new opportunities for integrating with multimessenger alerts. 

For inquiries, email the LOC at:


Covered topics

The topics are inclusive and the WOC will try to find the session structure and right spot for talks that seem outside the box of the outlined topics. 


Confirmed invited speakers


Acknowledgements: This workshop is supported by the European Union's Horizon Europe Research and Innovation programme ACME under grant agreement No 101131928 as well as Polish National Science Centre grant DAINA 2024/52/L/ST9/00210 (PI: Łukasz Wyrzykowski). This workshop is supported by Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation with the grant no. PID2023-146453NB-100 (PI: Paul Beck). The infrastructure and further funding for this workshop is provided by the Research Division of the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias.