The workshop, organized by the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC) and the IA-UNAM, as part of the Encuentros Astrofísicos Blas Cabrera, will take place from 23rd to 28th September, 2007 at the conference centre of the Hotel H10 Taburiente Playa, La Palma, Canary Islands, Spain, where the participants will be accommodated. See La Palma maps here and here.
The calendar of activities scheduled for the workshop will be announced next 31st July.
NEW! Workshop presentations in PDF format available online.
NEW! Workshop survey results
and graphics now
The GTC and its Day One instruments OSIRIS and CanariCam, will be available for the GTC astronomical community in 2008.
Both OSIRIS and CanariCam are state-of-the-art instruments, and having a good knowledge of their general use, proposal and observing tools, and the actual data reduction procedures before Day 1 science begins is the best approach to secure a fast and optimal scientific exploitation of the instruments and data.
The aim of the workshop is to provide an up–to-date description of these instruments as well as hands-on training on their use and data reduction procedures. This includes the initial steps of preparing the observations, using tools such as exposure time estimators and mask designers, to obtaining the final calibrated data using specific techniques and data reduction packages.
It is intended that the workshop get down to the details of the instruments and their astronomical use. For this reason the number of attendees must be limited to the number that can be reasonably taken care of by the workshop lecturers.
Participants will be selected on a first come first serve basis, although people involved in the science teams of the instruments will have priority.
Participants are advised to bring their own laptops equipped with Linux, as the workshop will include practical exercises. In due time a list of software packages to be downloaded, required for following the lectures, will be given. It will likely include the proposal and observing tools, as well as the data reduction software.
Note that the number of participants will be limited to about 30 attendants, and early registrations will have precedence over the later ones.
To pre-register, please fill in the Registration Form. Registration will start in the evening of Sunday, 23rd September. All participants are supposed to arrive at the hotel by this date. Lectures will start at 9:00 on Monday, 24th. There will be no Registration Fee.
A limited number of grants will be available for participants within the framework of the “Encuentros Blas Cabrera”.
If you wish to apply for any support, please fill in the Financial Support Application and SEND IT DIRECTLY TO THE LOC (Fax: +34 933 605 298) together with your Registration Form before July, 10th.
The decision about the awarded grants will be communicated to the applicants by July, 24th.
The Workshop is sponsored and supported by the “Encuentros Blas Cabrera” with funding from Banco Santander.
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