Conference photos

Scientific Program ( PDF)

Abstract booklet ( PDF)

Session 1 Fundamental physical processes in partially ionised plasmas

IR: Manuel Collados “Overview of multi-fluid equations and transport effects”
IR: Nikolai Pogorelov “Partially Ionized Plasma in the Solar Wind and Its Interaction ..”
IR: Antonius Otto “Ionospheric Electrodynamics”
IR: Eberhard Möbius “Observational evidence of the heliosphere-interstellar medium interaction   obtained from neutral atom imaging with IBEX and pickup ion observations”
ST: Gary Zank “Dynamics of heliospheric plasma”

Session 2 Waves and instabilities in partially ionised plasmas:  theory and observations

IR: Roberto Soler  “Waves and instabilities propagation in solar plasmas”
IR: Mark Wardle “Instabilities in Accretion Disks”
ST: Vytenis Vasyliūnas  “Role of waves in dynamics of planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres”

Session 3 Turbulence, dynamo and non-linear processes

IR: Turlough Downes “Turbulence in Weakly Ionised Astrophysical Plasmas”
IR: Oliver Gressel “Dynamo in Turbulent Accretion Disks”

Session 4 Magneto-convection, flux emergence and reconnection in partially ionised plasmas

IR: Juan Martinez-Sykora  “Magneto convection and partial ionization”
IR: Alexandre Lazarian "Turbulent magnetic reconnection and its implications"
ST: Vyacheslav Lukin "Reconnection in partially ionised plasmas and its application to solar physics"


MONDAY, 29 August


Session 1 Fundamental physical processes in partially ionised plasmas (chair E. Khomenko)

9:00 – 9:10    Welcome    
9:10 – 9: 45    IT: Nikolai Pogorelov    Partially Ionized Plasma in the Solar Wind and Its Interaction with the Local Interstellar Medium
9:45 – 10:15    ST: Gary Zank    Multi-component Plasma Modeling and Dynamics in the Presence of a Suprathermal Non-equilibrated Ion Population
10:15 – 10:40    Donna Rodgers-Lee    Angular momentum transport in weakly ionised protoplanetary disks (S3)

10:40 -11: 30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30 – 12:05    IT: Manuel Collados    Overview of multi-fluid equations and transport effects
12:05 – 12:30    Wargnier Quentin    Transport properties for magnetized sun chromosphere based on the Chapman-Enskog expansion
12:30 – 12:55    Sven Van Loo    Ambipolar diffusion regulated collapse of filaments threaded by perpendicular magnetic fields

12:55- 15: 00 LUNCH BREAK
Session 1 Fundamental physical processes in partially ionised plasmas (chair M. Wardle)

15:00 – 15:35    IT: Eberhard Möbius    Observational evidence of the heliosphere-interstellar medium interaction obtained from neutral atom imaging with IBEX and pickup ion observations
15:35 – 16:00    Kris Murawski    Godunov-type numerical methods for magnetohydrodynamics

16:00 -16: 30 COFFEE BREAK

16:30 – 17:05    IT: Antonius Otto    Ionospheric Electrodynamics - Basic Physics and Field-Aligned Currents
17:05 – 17:30    Izmodenov Vladislav    Charge exchange reactions at interfaces between neutral gas and plasma: Dynamical effects and X-ray emission

TUESDAY 30 August

Session 2 Waves and instabilities in partially ionised plasmas:  theory and observations (p1) Chair: I. Ballai

9:00 – 9:35    IT: Roberto Soler    Waves and instabilities propagation in solar plasmas
9:35 – 10:05    ST: Vytenis Vasyliunas    Role of waves in the dynamics of planetary magnetospheres and ionospheres
10:05 – 10:30    Irantzu Santamaria    High frequency waves in the presence of a null point: resonant cavity?

10:30 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30 – 12:05    IT: Mark Wardle    Instabilities in Accretion Disks
12:05 – 12:30    Sam Falle    Numerical Simulations of the Wardle Instability
12:30 – 12:55    Michael Ruderman    Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities with sheared magnetic fields in partially ionised plasmas: High-beta approximation

12:55 – 15:00 LUNCH BREAK
Session 2 Waves and instabilities in partially ionised plasmas:  theory and observations (p1) Chair: P. Song

15:00 – 15:25    Wojciech Miloch    Kinetic plasma instabilities in weakly collisional ionospheric plasmas
15:25 – 15:50    David Martínez Gómez    Onset of the Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in partially ionized magnetic flux tubes
15:50 – 16:15    Manuel Luna    Large-Amplitude Oscillations in Prominences

16:15 – 16:45 COFFEE BREAK

16:45 – 17:10    Alejandro Alvarez Laguna    Computational Multi-Fluid Model for Partially Ionized and Magnetized Plasma (S4)

WEDNESDAY, 31 August: Conference excursion to Teide Observatory and Teide National Park
Lunch will be provided at the residence of the Teide Observatory. The price of the excursion and lunch are included in the registration fee.

09:00 – 10:00 bus Nivaria Hotel – Observatorio del Teide (OT)
10:00 – 13:00 Visit to the Observatorio del Teide
13:00 – 15:00 lunch at the OT
15:00 – 17:00 visit to the Teide National Park
17:00 – 18:00 bus from Teide National Park to Nivaria hotel

THURSDAY 1 September

Session 2 Waves and instabilities in partially ionised plasmas:  theory and observations (p2) Chair: S. Falle

9:00 – 9:25    Ramon Oliver    The role of Alfvén wave heating in solar prominences
9:25 – 9:50    Jo Raes    Observations of apparent superslow wave propagation
9:50 – 10:15    Istvan Ballai    Shock waves in partially ionised plasmas
10:15 – 10:40    Yana Maneva    Multifluid simulations of driven slow and fast magnetosonic waves in the solar chromosphere

10:40 – 11:30 COFFEE BREAK

11:30 – 11:55    Paul Song    The Physical Processes in the Chromosphere: From a View of Partially Ionized Plasma Physics
11:55 – 12:20    Elena Khomenko    Mode conversion and wave heating in solar partially ionized atmosphere
12:20 – 12:45    James Mather    TBD

12:55 – 15:00 LUNCH BREAK

Session 3 Turbulence, dynamo and non-linear processes (Chair: M. Goodman)

15:00 – 15:35    IT: Turlough Downes    Turbulence in Weakly Ionised Astrophysical Plasmas
15:35 – 16:00    Sergei Khaibrakhmanov    Ionization state and MHD effects in accretion disks of young stars
16:00 – 16:25    Pedro Gonzalez-Morales    Introducing a new explicit scheme into Mancha3D code for overcoming the time step limitations in simulations of partially ionised solar plasma

16:25 – 17:00 COFFEE BREAK

17:00  -17:35    IT: Oliver Gressel    Dynamos in Turbulent Accretion Disks
17:35 – 18:00    Beatrice Popescu    Two-fluid simulations of waves and reconnection with Mancha code


FRIDAY, 2 September

09:30 – 10:30 free excursion to La Laguna

10:30 – 11:00 COFFEE BREAK

Session 4 Magneto-convection, flux emergence and reconnection in partially ionised plasmas (Chair: T. Downes)

11:00 – 11:35    IT: Juan Martinez-Sykora    Magneto convection and partial ionization
11:35 – 12:05    ST: Vyacheslav Lukin    Reconnection in partially ionised plasmas and its application to solar physics
12:05 – 12:30    Michael Goodman    Photospheric Current Spikes as Possible Predictors of Flares
12:30 – 13:05    IT: Alexandre Lazarian    Star formation mediated by reconnection diffusion
13:05 – 13:30    Nikola Vitas    Realistic 3D simulations of the solar photosphere with the MANCHA code