X Día de Nuestra Ciencia
La Laguna Gran Hotel, Calle Nava y Grimon, 18
15th May 2018
Final Programme
SESSION 1 Chair: Helmut Dannerbauer      
9:00-9:10 Rafael Rebolo   Welcome address  
9:10-9:25 Hans Deeg (S) The mistery of KIC 8462852 unfolded Invited talk
9:25-9:40 Josefa Becerra (P) IAC Participation in the discovery of the electromagnetic counterpart of a gravitational wave Invited talk
9:40-9:55 Paul Beck (P) Seismic probing of the first dredge-up event Contributed talk
9:55-10:10 Felipe Jiménez Ibarra (PhD) The vertical structure of the accretion disc in LMXBs Contributed talk
SESSION 2 Chair: Alicia López Oramas      
10:10-10:25 Elena Khomenko (S) Science objectives and plans around the ERC grant Invited talk
10:25-10:40 Jonay González Hernández (RyC) The two most iron-poor known unevolved stars of the Galactic halo Invited talk
10:40-10:55 Giuseppina Battaglia (RyC) Appearances can be deceiving: clear signs of accretion in the seemingly ordinary Sextans dSph Contributed talk
10:55-11:10 César Esteban (S) Revisiting the abundance gradients of oxygen and nitrogen of the Milky Way Contributed talk

11:10-11:30 - Coffee Break 

SESSION 3 Chair: Jorge Sánchez Almeida      
11:30-11:45 Javier Trujillo-Bueno (S) The Science of the Advanced Grant POLMAG Invited talk
11:45-12:00 Francesca Pinna (PhD) Unveiling the thick disk origin in FCC 170: signs of accretion? Invited talk
12:00-12:15 Marian Martínez González (RyC) Understanding solar magnetism within the stellar context Contributed talk
12:15-12:30 Sergio Velasco Muñoz (PhD) Triton occultation: the best resolution images ever Contributed talk
12:30-12:45 Ismael Pérez Fournon (S) Icarus, the farthest star ever seen Contributed talk
12:45-13:00 Ana Monreal-Ibero (P) Spatially resolved studies of Diffuse Interstellar Bands in Galaxies outside of the Local Group Contributed talk
13:00-13:15 Julio Castro Almazán (E ) Forecasting the precipitable water vapour in the observatories of the Canaries Contributed talk
13:15-13:30 Héctor Socas-Navarro (S) Clarke Exobelts: Searching for Technological Civilizations Contributed talk

13:30-14:30 -
Lunch break (snack and drinks)

SESSION 4 Chair: Federica Guidi      
14:30-14:45 Alfonso López-Aguerri (S) The technology division of the IAC Invited talk
14:45-15:00 Andrea Negri (P) The galaxy cluster luminosity function evolution in the Cluster-EAGLE simulation Contributed talk
15:00-15:15 Alejandro Aguado Barahona (PhD) Optical follow-up of galaxy cluster candidates detected by Planck satellite in the PSZ2 catalogue Contributed talk
15:15-15:30 Arianna Di Cintio (P) Ultra Diffuse Galaxies: a formation scenario Contributed talk
15:30-15:45 Savita Mathur (RyC) Stellar magnetic activity through asteroseismology Contributed talk
15:45-16:00 Rebeca Galera Rosillo (PhD) Planetary Nebulae: the cosmic fireflies Contributed talk
16:00 Javier Licandro (S) Closing words  

16:00 - Coffee and farewell


* S: staff,
RyC: Ramón y Cajal,
P: postdoc,
PhD: student,
E: engineer


9:00-9:10 Rafael Rebolo Welcome address