VIII Día de Nuestra Ciencia
Orfeon La Paz, La Laguna, May 24th, 2016
9:00-9:10 Rafael Rebolo Welcome address
9:10-9:20 Enric Pallé y Begoña García Research & Technology
9:20-9:35 Sergio Simón (P) The amazing view of stars and the interstellar medium from the Canary Islands Observatories.
09:35-09:40 Carme Gallart (Staff) Menu Desgustación sobre el Grupo Local.
09:40-09:45 Lisa Nortmann (Postdoc) Transmission Spectroscopy of Exoplanet Atmospheres.
09:45-09:50 Pablo Arrabal Haro (Doctorando) The sources responsible of the re-ionization of the Universe.
09:50-10:00 Open discussion
10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
10:30-10:45 Iñigo Arregui (P) Recent advances in solar physics.
10:45-10:50 Javier Licandro (S) MOVIS, the Moving Objects VISTA catalogue.
10:50-10:55 David Jones (P) Close binary central stars of planetary nebulae.
10:55-11:00 María Cebrián (D) How galaxies look like beyond 31 mag/arcsec2?.
11:00-11:05 Antonio Cabrera-Lavers (GTC) GTC Science Operation Status.
11:05-11:10 Efsan Sokmen (D) Star Formation History of the southern Galactic disk using VVV-survey
11:10-11:15 Montserrat Armas Padilla (P) KEEP YOUR FRIENDS CLOSE AND YOUR ENEMIES CLOSER : the case of the black hole binary Swift J1357.2-0933.
11:15-11:20 Alejandro Serrano Borlaff (D) Truncated disc surface brightness proles produced by flares.
11:20-11:30 Open discussion
11:30-11:45 Giuseppina Battaglia (P) IAC highlights on Galaxy Formation and Evolution.
11:45-11:50 Javier Trujillo Bueno (S) CLASP: Five years of work for five glorious minutes of observing time.
11:50-11:55 Elena Mohd-Noh (D) Molecular gas tracers in the Sombero galaxy.
11:55-12:00 Martin Will (P) The Sky above MAGIC.
12:00-12:05 Rafael Garcia-Dias (D) Machine learning in APOGEE - K-means
12:05-12:10 Miguel Cervi~no (S) Decoding population synthesis codes.
12:10-12:15 Cristina Ramos Almeida (P) Dusty doughnut around massive black hole spied for first time with ALMA.
12:15-12:20 David López Fernández-Nespral (D) Ground-based characterization of transiting exoplanets.
12:20-12:30 Open discussion
12:30-13:00 Coffee Break
13:00-13:15 Mónica Vázquez (P) Gamma-ray astronomy @IAC
13:15-13:20 Hans Deeg (S) KIC 8462852 - the strangest star in the Galaxy?
13:20-13:25 Grzegorz Nowak (P) Recent results from the K2 ESPRINT project.
13:25-13:30 Víctor Pérez Mesa (D) Massive AGB stars and their in uence during the formation of the Early Solar System.
13:30-13:35 Bililign Dullo (P) The Structural Fingerprint of Supermassive Black Holes in Massive Galaxies.
13:35-13:40 Beatrice Popescu Braileanu (D) Two- fluid simulations of solar partially ionized atmosphere.
13:40-13:45 Stefan Geier (GTC) Observing with the GTC.
13:45-13:50 Luis Cicuendez Salazar (D) Probing the low surface brightness outskirts of Milky Way dSphs: Sextans.
13:50-14:00 Open discussion
14:00-14:15 Guo Chen (P) Characterizing exoplanets with various techniques.
14:15-14:20 Almudena Prieto (S) Zooming into the central parsec of galaxies.
14:20-14:25 Nikola Vitas (P) MHD Simulations of the Solar Convection.
14:25-14:30 Gustavo Rodríguez-Coira (TOT) A TOT's night at Teide Observatory.
14:30-14:35 Jose Alberto Rubiño Martin (S) The QUIJOTE experiment: current status
14:35-14:40 Rebeca Galera Rosillo (D) Planetary Nebulae: lighthouses of the nearby Universe.
14:40-14:45 Thomas Martinsson (P) Baryonic and dark matter mass distributions in disk galaxies
14:45-14:50 Salvatore Taibi (D) Chemo-dynamics of the stellar component of Cetus dwarf galaxy.
14:50-15:00 Open discussion
15:00-15:30 Brindis and awards