VI D ía de Nuestra Ciencia
Orfeón La Paz, La Laguna, May 28, 2015
SESSION 1: Chair: Sergio
09:10-09:20 Rafael Rebolo Welcome address
09:20-09:30 Enric Palle Welcome address
09:30-09:35 John Beckman (Staff) Superburbujas
09:35-09:40 Melanie Godart (Post-doc) Modeling pulsating massive stars and the possible relation to macroturbulence
09:40-09:45 Lara Montagudo (Doctorando) The SMASH proyect: Survey of the MAgellanic Stellar History
09:45-09:50 Edoardo Lagioia (P) The HB temperature distribution in Globular Clusters
09:50-10:00 Open discussion
SESSION 2: Chair: Sergio
10:00-10:15 Roi Alonso (P) Investigación en Exoplanetas desde el IAC
10:15-10:20 Marcos Pellejero (D) Rulers of the Universe. Cosmological parameter extraction with BAO.
10:20-10:25 Fatameh Tabatabaei (P) Impact of Environment on The Dust Spectrum
10:25-10:30 David Aguado (D) Finding the most primitive stars in the Milky Way halo with SDSS
10:30-10:35 Ignacio de la Rosa (S) The progenitors of massive galaxy bulges
10:35-10:40 Melania Cubas (D) Solar Abundances from Three-Dimensional Empirical Models
10:40-10:45 Martin Stringer (P) Atoms & Galaxies
10:45-10:50 Alfred Rosenberg (S) Proyectos de Divulgación
10:50-11:00 Open discussion
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
SESSION 3: Chair: Jesús
11:30-11:45 Teo Muñoz Darias (P) Accreting compact objects as laboratories of extreme physics
11:45-11:50 Hector Socas (S) The Sun, NLTE codes and Coffee Breaks
11:50-11:55 Alina Streblyanska (P) The ITP13-15: photometric part of optical follow-up of Planck SZ-sources.
11:55-12:00 Matteo Simioni (D) Multiple Stellar Populations in Galactic Globular Clusters
12:00-12:05 Joan Font (P) Study of the resonance structure of the molecular gas in M51
12:05-12:10 Antonio Cabrera (S) GTC Science Operation Status
12:10-12:15 Lucía Suarez (D) CNO behaviour in planet harbouring stars
12:15-12:20 Luis Peralta de Arriba (D) Growth of massive galaxies across cosmic time
12:20-12:30 Open discussion
SESSION 4: Chair: Jesús
12:30-12:45 Inma Martínez Valpuesta (P) Observations and simulations: a good combination
12:45-12:50 Denis Tramonte (D) The Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect: a tool for cosmology
12:50-12:55 Guo Chen (P) Characterizing hot Jupiters’ atmospheres with ground-based observations
12:55-13:00 Alejandro Suarez (D) Activity and Rotation in late type stars
13:00-13:05 Zenghua Zhang (P) Primeval low-mass stars and brown dwarfs
13:05-13:10 Matteo Monelli (P) (Almost) 10 years of seminars at the IAC
13:10-13:20 Open discussion
13:20-15:30 Lunch
SESSION 5: Chair: Matteo
15:30-15:45 Marian Martínez González (P) El presente y el futuro de la f´Ä±sica solar en el IAC
15:45-15:50 Chloe Guennou (P) Diagnostic tools for coronal physics
15:50-15:55 David Morate (D) Compositional study of asteroids in the Erigone primitive family using visible spectroscopy
15:55-16:00 Manuel Gómez (TOT)(D) Study of the stability of an Echelle spectrograph
16:00-16:05 Daniel Mata (D) Swift J1357.2-0933: an outstanding massive black hole in the thick disc.
16:05-16:10 Terence Mahoney (S) The Johannes Kepler Working Group
16:10-16:15 Peter Klagyivik (P) Orbital spin alignment of binaries in NGC 2264
16:15-16:20 José Miguel Rodriguez Espinosa (S) A proto-cluster only 825 Myr after the BB?
16:20-16:30 Open discussion
SESSION 6: Chair: Matteo
16:30-16:45 Paco Garzón (S) EMIR verification status
16:45-16:50 Simone Madonna (D) s-process enrichments in the planetary nebula NGC3918
16:50-16:55 Ricardo Génova (P) QUIJOTE observations of Galactic regions
16:55-17:00 Antonio Ferragamo (D) Optical Validation of Sunyaev-Zeldovich Planck sources at Canary Island Observatories
17:00-17:05 Carlos José Díaz (D) Dynamics and magnetic field topology of solar prominences, and their connectivity with the photosphere.
17:05-17:10 Ismael Pérez Fournon(S) Revolution in Astronomy: from Herschel to ALMA
17:10-17:15 Mike Beasley (P) What star clusters can do for YOU
17:15-17:20 José Jairo Díaz (D) First evidence of the possible detection of diffuse circumstellar bands in Planetary Nebulae
17:20-17:30 Open discussion
17:30-18:30 Brindis and awards