V Día de Nuestra Ciencia
Casino de La Laguna, June 13, 2014
SESSION 1: Chair: Matteo
09:00-09:15 Rafael Rebolo (S) Welcome address & GTC big science: an overview
09:15-09:30 Johan Knapen (S) New developments and future plans in the research area
09:30-09:35 Bartosz Gauza (D) Substellar companions of the nearest stars
09:35-09:40 Irene Agulli (D) Abell 85: Spectroscopic Luminosity Function
09:40-09:45 Cristina Ramos Almeida (P) The interplay between star formation and nuclear activity as seen by GTC/CanariCam
09:45-09:50 Frederick Poidevin (P) Dust grain alignment and magnetic fields in the ISM
09:50-10:00 Open discussion
SESSION 2: Chair: Matteo
10:00-10:15 Claudio Dalla Vecchia (P) The Universe in a box
10:15-10:20 Ignacio Martín-Navarro (D) Chasing the stellar initial mass function
10:20-10:25 Clara Martínez Vázquez (D) Variable stars in Local Group galaxies
10:25-10:30 Ismael García Barnete (D) The nuclear and extended infrared emission of the Seyfert galaxy NGC 2992 and the interacting system ARP 245
10:30-10:35 Elena Khomenko (P) Rayleigh-Taylor instability in solar prominences
10:35-10:40 Heidi Lietzen (P) The gigantic science of superclusters
10:40-10:45 Antonio Cabrera Lavers (S) GTC Operation Status
10:45-10:50 Carlos Álvarez Iglesias (S) News on CanariCam operation at GTC
10:50-11:00 Open discussion
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
SESSION 3: Chair: Mar
11:30-11:45 Andrés Asensio (P) Solar physics at the IAC
11:45-11:50 Federica Fusco (D) The star formation history of NGC 6822
11:50-11:55 Marina Ramón Péerez (D) OTELO Survey
11:55-12:00 Marian Martínez González (P) Solar and stellar spectro-polarimetry
12:00-12:05 Giuseppina Battaglia (P) Investigating the build up of the Milky Way stellar halo
12:05-12:10 Pilar Montañes-Rodriguez (P) Understanding pulsations in V652 Her through new hydrodynamic models, and more ...
12:10-12:15 Alexandre Vazdekis (S) Extending the spectral coverage of MILES stellar population models
12:15-12:20 Nataliia Shchukina (S) The impact of surface dynamo magnetic elds on the solar abundance determination
12:20-12:30 Open discussion
SESSION 4: Chair: Mar
12:30-12:45 Begoña García Lorenzo (S) The IAC technology Division
12:45-12:50 Pedro González Morales (D) Modelado de ondas heliosísmicas en regiones magnéticas solares
12:50-12:55 Andrea Rodríguez Antón (D) Bajo los cielos de Roma
12:55-13:00 Manuel Luna (P) Are tornado-like magnetic structures able to sustain prominence plasma?
13:00-13:05 Iñigo Arregui (P) The Sun: what to believe
13:05-13:10 Carmen del Puerto Varela (S) UC3: La máxima de Marco Aurelio
13:10-13:15 Alfred Rosenberg (S) UC3 Divulgación: SolarLab, acercando el Sol a mas de 38.000 estudiantes canarios
13:15-13:20 Nayra Rodríguez Eugenio (P) UC3 Divulgación: explorando exoplanetas y mucho más
13:20-13:30 Open discussion
13:30-15:30 Lunch
SESSION 5: Chair: Marja
15:30-15:45 Enric Pallé (S) Playing billiards with the solar system planets
15:45-15:50 Sergio Palomo Nevado (D) The SW Sex phenomenon
15:50-15:55 Laura Toribio San Cipriano (D) Carbon abundances and radial gradients in nearby spiral galaxies
15:55-16:00 Jorge García Rojas (P) Ultra-deep high-resolution spectra of planetary nebulae: sprocess enrichments in NGC3918
16:00-16:05 Marina Manganaro (P) A kind of MAGIC: Short story of two IACTs and their adventures in High Energy Astrophysics
16:05-16:10 Anselmo Sosa Méndez (S) OTRI: functions and services
16:10-16:15 Antonio Mampaso (S) Dos propuestas de la acera de enfrente
16:15-16:20 Carme Gallart (S) On the origin of the dwarf galaxy types: insights from LCID
16:20-16:30 Open discussion
SESSION 6: Chair: Marja
16:30-16:45 José Alberto Rubiño (S) Latest results on CMB and large scale structure research at the IAC
16:45-16:50 Sergio Velasco Muñoz (D) Living on the edge: astronomy at the diratcion limit from the Canariasn observatories
16:50-16:55 Sergio Simón-Díaz (P) The IACOB project: a new era in the study of Galactic OB stars
16:55-17:00 Sebastian Hidalgo (P) Clues on fundamental metallicity relations from resolved dwarf galaxies
17:00-17:05 Grzegorz Nowak (P) Searching for planets around evolved stars
17:05-17:10 Nicola Caon (S) SIE for Science: how the SIE can help you do good science and make it known
17:10-17:15 Almudena Prieto (S) Centres of galaxies at parsec scales
17:15-17:30 Open discussion
17:30-18:30 Brindis and awards