Programme  PDF

Día de Nuestra Ciencia 2013

1) SESIÓN 1 Chair: Víctor

9.00 - 9:15 - Apertura del director (15min)
9.15 - 9:30 - Rafael Rebolo (S): Sciencie with the space missions Planck and Euclid
9.30 - 9.50 - 4 Charlas
Valentina Luridiana (P)                 PyNeb: a new tool for the analysis of emission lines
Benjamin Roeck (D)                    Preparing the IRTF-library for SSP-modelling
Jorge K. Barrera Ballesteros (D)  Tracing major mergers in the CALIFA survey
Juergen Fliri (P)                          The IAC Stripe 82 Legacy Project
9.50 - 10.00 - Discusión

2) SESIÓN 2 Chair: Víctor

10.00 - 10.15 - Antonio Cabrera (S): GTC Science Operation Status
10.15 - 10.45 - 6 Charlas
Julio Castro (P)                              The sodium layer
Juan Antonio Belmonte (S)              Desvelando Petra: astronomía y paisaje en la capital de los nabateos
Katrien Uytterhoeven (P)                 Kepler and massive pulsators on the Main Sequence
John Beckman (S)                          Resonant structure in disc galaxies
Javier Zaragoza Cardiel (D)             Kinematics of Arp 270: gas flows, nuclear activity and two regimes of star formation
Nacho Trujillo (S)                           Unprecedented view of the assembly of massive galaxies
10.45 -11.00 - Discusión

11.00-11.30           -- coffee break --

3) SESIÓN 3 Chair: Cristina

11.30 - 11.45 - Johan Knapen (S): The Research Division in the near future
11.45 - 12.15 - 6 Charlas
Terry Mahoney (S)                        El papel del Servicio de Corrección Lingüística (SCL)
Sergio Hoyer (P)                           Transiting Exoplanets
Emma Fernández Alvar (D)           [Ca/Fe] in F & G stars from low resolution spectra'
Remon Cornelisse (P)                   A 420 day modulation in the X-ray binary Swift J1753.5-0127
María Cebrián (D)                         No traces of environmental effects in void galaxies
Santiago Erroz Ferrer(D)               Morphology, kinematics and star formation across the Hubble sequence of galaxies
12.15 - 12.30 - Discusión

4) SESIÓN 4 Chair: Cristina

12.30 - 12.45 - Hans Deeg (S):     Characterization of space-based exoplanet detections
12.45 - 13.15 - 6 Charlas
Gabriel Pérez Díaz (S)                 El Servicio MultiMedia: Producción gráfica y audiovisual en el IAC
César Esteban (S)                       Equinoccios y santuarios de la antigua Iberia
Aníbal García Hernández (P)        Nucleosynthesis and molecular processes in the late stages of stellar evolution
Riccardo Vignaga (D)                   MFI calibration and polarization performance
Marja Seidel (D)                           An integral view of bar-driven secular evolution in disk galaxies
Omaira González Martín (P)         AGN synapses
13.15 - 13.30 - Discusión

13.30-15.30 -- lunch break --

5) SESIÓN 5 Chair: Marja

15.30 - 15.45 – Jesús Falcón Barroso (P) Galaxies in 3D
15.45 - 16.15 - 6 Charlas
Martín López Corredoira (S)         The Twilight of the Scientific Age
Esther Sanromá (D)                    The Earth in time as a template for the characterization of inhabitable exoplanets
Marcela Espinoza Contreras (D)   New ultracool subdwarfs in large-scale surveys
Olga Zamora (P)                         H-band spectra of cool stars for the SDSS-III/ APOGEE project
Alba Eva Peláez Santos (D)         The QUIJOTE Experiment: first MFI maps of the Galactic diffuse emission
Jorge Sánchez Almeida (S)          Cold-flow accretion in the local Universe
16.15 - 16.30 - Discusión

6) SESIÓN 6 Chair: Mar

16.30 – 17.10 - 8 Charlas
Stefano Zarattini (D)                    Luminosity Functions In Fossil Groups Of Galaxies
Jorge A Pérez Prieto (S)              IAC Publications: The new IAC's articles archive
Beatriz González Merino (D)        Observations of the Earth's atmosphere in high-resolution spectroscopy
Héctor Socas Navarro (S)            NICOLE: A massively parallel code for NLTE synthesis and inversion of spectral lines
Paulo Alberto Miles Páez (D)       Exploring ultracool atmospheres with linear polarimetric observations
Arturo Manchado (S)                   Subarsecond molecular hydrogen images of the planetary nebulae NGC 2346.
Andrés del Pino Molina (D)           Unravelling a complex system: The Fornax Dwarf Spheroidal Galaxy.
Jose Miguel Rodríguez Espinosa (S)  Searching for Lyman alpha sources in the SHARDS Survey
17.10 - 17.30 - Discusión

17.30-18.30  -- Brindis --