Programme PDF




3 de Junio de 2011


Hotel Beatriz, Puerto de la Cruz


Sesión 1: 09:00 – 09:50 Moderador (Chair): Carlos Allende


08:00 Salida de las guaguas hacia el hotel (Buses leave for the Hotel)

08:50 Johan Knapen - Palabras de apertura (Opening remarks)


09:00 Ramón García “Technology developments at the IAC“

09:17 Juan Antonio Belmonte “Desvelando los enigmas de Göbekli tepe“

09:22 Agniezska Rys “Formation and evolution of dwarf elliptical galaxies: a 2D perspective “

09:27 Brandon Tingley “Much ado about Transits“

09:32 Emma Fernández “Chemical abundancies from SDSS intermediate- resolution spectra “

09:37 Discusión


Sesión 1: 09:50 – 10:40 Moderador (Chair): Josefa Becerra

09:50 José Alberto Rubiño “The QUIJOTE-CMB Experimente”

10:07 Szabolcs Meszaros “The spectrum database for APOGEE calculated with ATLAS“

10:12 Nayra Rodríguez “Star Formation Rate indicators and the role of dust obscuration in star-forming galaxies at z~1 “

10:17 Jonay González “The laser frequency comb in the HARPS spectrograph”

10:22 Katrien Uytterhoeven “SONG: Stellar Oscillations Network Group“

10:27 Discusión


10:40 – 11:10 Descanso y refrigerio (Coffee break)


Sesión 3: 11:10 – 12:10 Moderador (Chair): Irene Puerto

11:10 Ismael Pérez-Fournón “Highlights of the Herschel extragalactic surveys"

11:27 IgnacioTrujillo “Ultra deep imaging of nearby galaxies: touching the galactic haloes“

11:32 Mireia Montes “Globular clusters in the central parsecs of M87: probing the effect of environment“

11:37 Christoph Kuckein “Evolution of a solar active region filament as observed in the photosphere and chromosphere simultaneously “

11:42 Elena Ricciardelli “MIUSCAT stellar population synthesis models

11:47 Javier Licandro “Desarollo de la unidad de electrónica de control de un detector para espacio en el IR térmico”

11:52 Discusión


Sesión 4: 12:10 – 13:00 Moderador (Chair): Jesús Corral

12:10 Daniel López “Astrofotografía“

12:27 Mª Trinidad Tapia “N-body simulations of minor mergers in disk and elliptical galaxies“

12:32 Frank Müller “The central molecular torus in low luminosity AGN“

12:37 Carolina Sabín “Analysis of late O and B stars in 30 Doradus “

12:42 Massimiliano Esposito “MARVELS SDSS-III Survey: The IAC Contribution“

12:47 Discusión


13:00 – 15:00 Almuerzo (Lunch)


Sesión 5: 15:00 – 15:5 0 Moderador (Chair): Elisa Delgado

15:00 Elena Khomenko “Seismology of Magnetic Activity “

15:17 Patrizia Ferrero “Gamma-ray burst science @IAC

15:22 Sebastián Ramríez “MASGOMAS-1: Primer resultado de nuestra búsqueda sistemática de candidas de cúmulos masivos“

15:27 Esther Mármol-Queraltó “Evolution of the number of satellites around massive galaxies since z~2 “

15:32 Antonino Milone “Multiple stellar populations in Globular Clusters “

15:37 Discusión


Sesión 6: 15:50 – 16:40 Moderador (Chair): Tariq Shahbaz

15:50 Garik Israelian “The Starmus Festival”

16:07 Iván Oteo “Physical properties of Ly-alpha emitters from FIR observations “

16:12 Ana Belén Morales “Search and characterization of galaxies whit the lowest metallicity“

16:17 Martín López “Monoceros stream, a new fiasco?“

16:22 Bruno Femenía “AOLI: The Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager for the WHT and GTC telescopes “

16:27 Discusión


16:40 Johan Knapen - Palabras clausura (Closing remarks)

16:50 Cóctel (Cocktail)

18:00 Salida de las guaguas hacia el IAC (Buses leave for the IAC)

19:00 Llegada al IAC (Arrival at the IAC):