Poster abstract details

Joint lensing analysis of galaxy clusters with kinematic information
E. Sarli, S. Meyer, M. Meneghetti, M. Bartelmann


The main goal of our work is to extend the non-parametric approach to the joint lensing reconstruction, developed in Bartelmann (1996), Cacciato et al. (2006) and Merten et al. (2009) and implemented in the SaWLens code, to incorporate information from galaxy kinematics in order to include all available observational data on galaxy clusters. As our approach fundamentally builds upon the concept of the gravitational-lensing potential, particular attention is given to the relation between the velocity dispersions of cluster galaxies and the lensing potential itself. The anisotropy of galaxy orbits is expressly taken into account, and we aim at relaxing symmetry assumptions in the course of the work.