Poster abstract details

Einstein rings distribution: a semi-analytical approach
J. Vega, D. Valls-Gabaud and G. Yepes


Context: Strong lensing is one of the most direct probes of the mass distribution in galaxy clusters. It can be used to constrain the density profiles and to measure the mass of the lenses. The distribution of Einstein radii near the upper limit should probe the probability distribution of the largest mass concentrations in the universe. Moreover, the abundance of strong lensing events can be used to constrain the structure formation and the cosmological parameters.
Aims: The main purpose of the project is to compare predictions of the Einstein radius distribution with observations in order to decide if they are in agreement or if a change needs to be done at either the cosmological models or the observational methods.
Method: We develop a semi-analytical model in order to estimate the distribution of strong lensing events in the Universe within the Lambda-CDM model. We fit the convergence profile of MUSIC simulated galaxy clusters using a generalized NFW profile to obtain the best-fitting parameters, the concentration and the Einstein radius distribution for different projections of each clusters along the line-of-sight.