
Live presentations will take place in the "aula" at the Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC). We are planning to broadcast all presentations in real time on the Web using a streaming media service (streaming video with sound). Therefore, those who cannot attend physically the workshop will have an opportunity to watch and listen to the talks from their institutions or homes!

The correct link for the broadcast is available here (Flash Player 8 or higher is required).

Registration fee

There is no registration fee. However, we need to keep a record of all participants since the maximum capacity of the "aula" is 55 people. We ask all participants to send an e-mail to the IAC seminars committee indicating their willingness to attend the "VLT and APEX instrumentation" minicycle before February 20th, 2008.

Financial support

There is a limited number (10) of financial support for participants (PhD students, young and senior scientists, and engineers) coming from the mainland to the IAC. The financial support is in the form of a flight ticket from the mainland to Tenerife, transportation from and to the airports, and accommodation in a hotel in La Laguna or Santa Cruz de Tenerife. To apply for this financial support please send us a message to the IAC seminars committee. The deadline for the applications is February 15th.

All participants are expected to stay in the Nivaria Hotel (La Laguna) or Hotel Mencey (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), where some rooms are blocked and special fares are offered. If you book the hotel by yourself, you should mention the "VLT minicycle at the IAC".

Lunch and minicycle dinner

Coffee and lunch will be offered free of charge to all participants at the IAC. On Wednesday, March 5th, there will be a dinner in a Thai restaurant in Santa Cruz de Tenerife for a limited number (~20) of participants. Those participants willing to attend the workshop dinner should send an e-mail to the IAC seminars committee before February 20th. The cost per person of the closing dinner is 25 euros (drinks included).