Visa applications

In case you need letters of invitation for visa application please contact the LOC:

  • Tel.: +34-922605319


Travel information

The Canary Islands are rather remote from continental Europe, however their connection by air is extremely good. The international airport of Lanzarote: Arrecife (ACE), is connected by daily regular flights from Madrid and Barcelona. There are also regular flights from London and charter flights from many other European airports. Moreover, there are frequent daily connections to the international airports of the two largest islands of the archipelago: Gran Canaria (LPA) and Tenerife (TFN and TFS airports).

How to reach the Hotel?

You can arrive to the hotel (see map) by bus, taxi, or renting a car.

  • The bus service -here buses are called "guaguas"- run frequently and cheaply and are quite comfortable. If you arrive during the weekend, you could take the bus Line 23, which connects the airport with Arrecife and it has a bus stop in Gran Hotel. The trip takes around 10 minutes and they come each 50 minutes. It costs about 1 €. More info in the Arrecife Bus webpage (
  • By taxi would cost about 15-20 € and takes around 10 minutes. The taxi stop is at the exit of the airport.
  • Renting a car may also be an alternative, since car rentals in Lanzarote are rather cheap and of very good quality. Autos Reisen and Autos Cabrera-Medina generally offer the best rates. You can find prices as low as 25 € per day.