Travel Information

There are several airports nearby Freiburg:

1. Basel/Mulhouse/Freiburg, from there you can continue to Freiburg train station either by bus or by train (1 hour travel distance).

2. Strassbourg, from there you can continue to Freiburg by train going via Offenburg (2 hours travel distance).

3. Frankfurt, from there you can continue to Freiburg by the fast ICE trains (2.5 hours travel distance).

4. Zurich, from there you can continue via trains (2.5 hours travel distance).

For international arrivals, i.e. from outside Europe, the best options are flying to Frankfurt or Zurich and continuing from there by train.

Germany offers a good network of train connections. Major cities in Germany including Freiburg are connected by the fast ICE trains. The German (and European) train schedule is available at: