Training program
for PhD students & Postdocs
of the Solaire teams
An additional training programme is foreseen for the students and postdocs of the Solaire teams from Thursday, Oct 29th to Saturday, Oct 31st. It will contain:
- Complementary-Skills courses (two days)
- Visit to one of the Observatories of the Canary Islands, located on the islands of Tenerife and La Palma (1 day)
The days devoted to complementary-skills courses will contain two lecture courses and an additional lecture:
- Lecture Course: Project management and team working
Dr Lieselotte Jochum
European Southern Observatory (ESO)
Garching bei München, Germany
Lecture Course: Writing scientific publications: language training.
Mrs Inge Van Durme
Leuven Language Institute (ILT)
Leuven, Belgium
Lecture: Scientific Research in an industrial environment
Dr Keith Bennet
Fluid Gravity Engineering, Ltd (FGE)
St Andrews, Scotland, UK
The lecture courses will include exercises to be done by the students individually and in groups.
A provisory schedule of the training programme can be found here
Participation in the programme
- To take part in this programme you must be a PhD student or postdoc in one of the Solaire teams (with or without EC contract).
- To register, please check the corresponding box in the registration form. You can also register for the training programme at a later date. If so, please, send an email to the LOC (solaire09 at
- If you register for this programme after Sept 20th, we may not be able to find plane tickets for the trip to La Palma for you nor accommodation at the hotel and with the room rates given below.
Location and financial support
- The complementary-skills courses will take place at the headquarters of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias in La Laguna, which is some 20 km away from Puerto de la Cruz.
- We will provide accommodation between Wed Oct 28th and Sun Nov 1st at the Hotel Nivaria in La Laguna, which is a pleasant 3-star hotel in the historical part of the town. Room rates per person are 28.50 € (double room) and 45.60 € (single room). Those prices include breakfast and taxes.
- The organization will cover the costs of the trip to the Observatory (ground transportation and meals for the day, and, if on the island of La Palma, the return flight ticket). There is no extra registration fee for the training programme.
- The organization cannot cover the accomodation costs for these days. If you have problems to find financiation for the accomodation (e.g., with your home institution), please get in contact with the LOC by sending an email to solaire09 at