Invited review abstract
Magnetic Flux Emergence in Granular Convection
With the help of 3D radiative MHD simulations and recent high resolution and high time-cadence observations from Hinode, we are beginning to understand the physical mechanisms that determine the observational properties of magnetic flux emergence. In this talk, I will review recent work which focus on flux emergence from the top few Mm of the convection zone into the photosphere. In particular, the talk will emphasize on how
(1) the rise of magnetic flux over multiple
scale heights,
(2) the interaction of the rising flux with ambient convective flows, and
(3) radiative energy exchange
combine to give the rich complexity of emerging flux regions on the solar surface.
(1) the rise of magnetic flux over multiple
scale heights,
(2) the interaction of the rising flux with ambient convective flows, and
(3) radiative energy exchange
combine to give the rich complexity of emerging flux regions on the solar surface.