ESO/IAC Workshop on

Quasar Hosts

24-27 September 1996

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

Accommodation Form

Please fill in this form before July 31st and submit it to us.
You can also retrieve the ASCII version of the accommodation form and send it by e-mail to

First Name ..... : 
Last Name ...... : 
E-Mail ......... : 
Arrival Date ... : 
Departure Date ..: 
Rooms will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis in hotels close to the Conference Center in Puerto de la Cruz. Daily rates in Spanish Pesetas (1 US $ is about 128 Pesetas), excluding 4% local taxes, are per person sharing a double room. Extra rates for single rooms are also given. We recommend you take half board (for lunch) since there are not many restaurants in the area and there will be a welcome reception on Tuesday evening and a conference dinner on Thursday.

Hotel Puerto Palace
Hotel Miramar
Bed and BreakfastRoom and Half BoardRoom and Full BoardSupplement Single RoomBed and Breakfast Room and Half BoardRoom and Full BoardSupplement Single Room

Although both hotels are in comfortable walking distance from the Conference Center, we recommend the Puerto Palace since it offers better quality facilities, whereas the Miramar, a simple and unpretentious hotel, is intended for participants with less resources.

Please mark your preference:
I shall need a Hotel reservation:
Single Room.
Double Room. To be shared with:

Bed and Breakfast.
Half Board.
Full Board.

First choice:

Hotel Puerto Palace.
Hotel Miramar.

I shall make my own arrangements.
If you have any comments or special needs, please indicate them in the space provided below:

Please complete and submit this form to us by July 31st, 1996.

Confirmation of hotel reservations as well as instructions on how to reach Puerto de la Cruz will be given in the WEB pages.

If you need any assistance, you can contact us at the following address:

Contact Address

Monica Murphy (Quasar Hosts Workshop)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
C/ Vía Láctea s/n
E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife
Tel: + 34 22 605261
Fax: + 34 22 605210
WWW URL address: