ESO/IAC Workshop on

Quasar Hosts

24-27 September 1996

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

Second Announcement and Scientific Programme

Scientific Organizing Committee: Clements (co-chair), Crane, Fosbury, Pérez-Fournon (co-chair), Rodríguez-Espinosa, Shaver, Ulrich

Local Organizing Committee: Cabrera-Guerra, Murphy, Pérez-Fournon (chair), Pérez-García, Ramírez-Castro, Villar-Martín

Scientific Programme
General Information
How to get to the Hotels
Changing Money
Trip to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos, on the island of La Palma

Scientific Programme

The duration of the talks will be 20 minutes (exceptions are given in the programme). The final schedule will be given at the beginning of the Workshop. Two overhead projectors, and a slide projector will be available. Anyone requiring special means for presentation (e.g. video), please send us a request in advance (e-mail to

All the contributions that are not included in this programme are to be presented as posters. Panels (1m x 1m) will be available in a room adjacent to the conference hall for display of posters.

The proceedings (including both oral and poster presentations) will be published by Springer in the ESO Astrophysics Symposia series. Details of how to prepare and submit manuscripts will be provided at the meeting. The closing date for submission of manuscripts is Jan 10, 1997 .

			Monday, September 23rd 

17:30     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre 

19:30     Informal gathering at the Puerto Palace hotel (Bar by the pool)

			Tuesday, September 24th 

08:30     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre 

09:30     Welcome Addresses  

		Session 1. Unification and Evolution

          Introductory Overview                            Fosbury 

(30 min)  The Alignment Effect in radio-loud AGN:
          10 years after                                   di Serego Alighieri

          Cygnus-A: Host Galaxy of a Nearby Quasar?        Cabrera-Guerra  

          Coffee Break      

		Session 2. Radio Galaxies at High Redshift

(30 min)  Radio Galaxies at High Redshift          	   McCarthy 

	  The Nature of the Extended UV Continuum  	   Tadhunter 
          Emission in Radio Galaxies and Quasars 

	  Shocks in High-z Radio Galaxies  	           Clark   

	  Extranuclear Regions and Obscured  Quasars 	   Cimatti  
          in Distant Radio Galaxies: Clues 
          from Keck Observations    

13:00     Lunch           

		Session 3. The Radio Loud/Quiet Dichotomy

14:40     Infrared Imaging and Off-Nuclear    		   Kukula & Dunlop
(30 min)  Spectroscopy of Quasar Hosts

(10 min)  Radio Emission and the Host Galaxies of RQQs     Kukula 

   	  HST Imaging of z>0.5 7C and 3C Quasars     	   Serjeant   

	  HST Imaging of BL Lac Host Galaxies         	   Falomo       

	  Coffee Break      

          NIR imaging of BL Lac Host galaxies              Heidt
          Radio polarization studies and the unified       Saikia

	  HST imaging of Host Galaxies Selected by    	   Hooper
          Quasar Radio and Optical Properties      
          Poster Session          

19:30     Welcome Reception (at the "Risco Bello" Gardens)         

			Wednesday, September 25th       

08:45     Opening of the registration desk at the Conference Centre 

		Session 4. Observing Quasar Host Galaxies

09:30     Host Galaxies of Nearby Quasars             	   Woltjer 
(30 min)  and Radio Galaxies          

 	  Using Adaptive Optics to Study Quasar Hosts      Bremer 
      	  The more visible hosts detected with the         Disney
          HST PC Camera                                   	    

      	  Coffee Break      

(40 min)  HST Images of 20 Nearby Luminous Quasars    	   Bahcall        

(15 min)  NIR imaging of low z QSO fields                  Hutchings       

(15 min)  Observations of high redshift QSOs with the	   Hutchings
	  CFHT AO system            

	  Insights into AGN Host Galaxies from IR     	   McLeod


13:00     Lunch           

		Session 5. Observing Quasar Host Galaxies (continued)

14:40 	  The Nature of Radio Emission from Radio     	   Barthel 
(30 min.) Quiet QSOs    

          Results and techniques for the less visible      Boyce
          host galaxies in an HST program with the PC    

  	  Extensions around z=2 Radio Quiet Quasars   	   Aretxaga       

  	  Deep multi-color CCD imaging of high-z QSOs      Ghosh

	  Coffee Break      

		Session 6. Star Formation and the ISM in Quasar Hosts

(30 min)  Molecular Gas in Quasar Hosts                    Barvainis       

	  CO Emission from a z=4.7 Quasar             	   Yamada      

	  Molecular Gas and Star Formation           	   Schinnerer
          in the QSO IZw1               

	  The Major Epoch of Star Formation in             Taniguchi
          Hosts of High z Quasars       

	  The Nuclei of NGC 1068 and the Circinus Galaxy   Thatte    

          Poster Session          

			Thursday, September 26th

		Session 7. Star Formation and the ISM in Quasar Hosts (continued)

09:30     ISO Observations of Quasars and Quasar Hosts    Wilkes
(30 min)     
  	  ISO Observations of the CfA Seyfert Sample      Rodriguez-Espinosa 
	  Mid-IR Imaging of QSOs                          Hughes        	
	  Coffee Break      

(30 min)  Exploration of Active Nuclei Environments       Pecontal
          with TIGER: from Nearby to High z          

 	  Origin of the B-K Colour in Quasars         	  Srianand        

 	  Using HI to probe AGN Hosts and        	  Mundell      
          their Nuclei     

  	  The Environments of Radio Quiet Quasars  	  Goldschmidt        

13:00	  Lunch           

		Session 8. Low Redshift Populations

14:40     The ULIRG Quasar Connection                     Sanders and Surace
(30 min)  
	  ISO-SWS Results on Ultraluminous Galaxies       Rigopoulou    

(10 min)  ISO-SWS Results on Seyfert Galaxies        	  Rigopoulou  
	  The Quest for Type 2 QSOs with ASCA 	          Yamada
          and Quasar Hosts           

	  Coffee Break      

 	  The Local Luminosity Function of Quasars        Wisotzki       

	  Near-IR Optical Colours of			  Gonzalez-Serrano
	  low-luminosity Radio Quasars

  	  X-Ray Extended AGN in the ROSAT         	  Nass      
          All-Sky Survey         

	  A Search for Galaxies with Variable             Trevese

	  The Compact Dark Mass at the Centre       	  Eckart 
          of the Galaxy      

	  Poster Session          

20:30     Conference Dinner         

			Friday, September 27th   

                Session 9. Panel Discussion and Workshop's Closing

 9:30     Round-table Discussion and Conference Summary

	  Coffee Break      

12:00     Excursion to the Teide Observatory and Teide National Park        

20:30     Arrival at hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

			Saturday, September 28th 

Optional Excursion to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos on 
the Island of La Palma.         

General Information

Canary Islands and Tenerife:

The Canarian Archipelago consists of seven major islands and a few small islands or islets. Their total area is about 7500 square kilometres and they are located 1100 kilometres from the Spanish mainland, and about 100 kilometres from the African coast. Geographically the islands are part of the African continent but from a historical, economical, political and socio-cultural point of view, the Canaries are completely European.

One of the defining characteristic of Tenerife is its climatic diversity and changing landscapes. As might be imagined for a volcanic island reaching nearly 4000 m in altitude on the edge of the tropics, Tenerife, with its climate moderated by the Atlantic, is a scenic island where old, colonial-style cities and attractive tourist towns mingle with a great variety of vegetation and landscapes. The climate in the coast is warm during September and suitable for bathing, with temperatures in the range 23 to 26 C during the day, and 18 to 22 C at night. Temperatures may drop slightly below this, however, when moving towards inner regions. Participants should bear this in mind, since tours of the Observatorio del Teide , and the National park, and the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (on the neighbouring island of La Palma) are planned as outdoor activities.

Workshop Venue:

The Workshop will be held in Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, a seaside tourist resort some 40 km from Santa Cruz de Tenerife, the island's capital; 35 km from Los Rodeos airport (known as Tenerife Norte, or TFN), and 100 km from the main international Reina Sofía airport (known as Tenerife Sur, or TFS). Both airports are at about 2.5 hrs flying time from Madrid. TFN deals mostly with domestic flights while TFS connects Tenerife with a number of European cities, and other parts of the world.
The Workshop will take place in the Conference Centre of the Cabildo Insular de Tenerife, the local Authority in the Island. It is within walking distance from the hotels where participants will be accommodated ( see map). The hotels and the Conference Centre are surrounded by quiet, beautiful gardens overlooking the town center.

How to get to the Hotels

The conference will not be providing transportation from the airport to the conference site or viceversa. Below we give information about transport.

Since many participants will be arriving on the same flights or at similar times, we suggest you to share a taxi with other participants to get to Puerto de la Cruz. If you wish to share a taxi, please fill in the form available in the Workshop's WEB pages ( You will be able to access the list of arrival times for participants, together with his/her e-mail address in order to arrange your transport by yourselves ( This file will be updated on our server automatically).

If you are arriving at Tenerife South airport (Reina Sofia), you can either catch a taxi (about 10,000 Pesetas, 1 US dollar is about 128 Pesetas) or a bus. Bus services are as follows:

*South Airport to Puerto de la Cruz (line 340), direct service;
departure times: 9:45, 14:00, 20:00, and 23:30
price: 1,075 pesetas.
*South Airport to Santa Cruz main bus terminal (line 341), direct service;
departure times: in conjunction with Iberia arrivals, every 40 minutes.
price: 690 pesetas.
*Santa Cruz main bus terminal to Puerto de la Cruz (line 102), direct service;
departure times: every 30 min until 21:15. Additionally, two more services operate at 22:30 and 24:00.
price: 470 pesetas.
The local bus company is called TITSA ( the buses are bright green!) , and the local name for "bus" is "guagua" or "autobus".
There's still an uphill stretch from the bus terminal in Puerto de la Cruz to the hotel, and for this we recommend a taxi.

If you arrive at Tenerife North airport (Los Rodeos), buses for Puerto de la Cruz leave every 30 min. (line 102, coming from the terminal in Santa Cruz) costing ..... Pesetas. A taxi would cost 2,500 Pesetas.


All the participants are expected to pay a registration fee of 15,000 Spanish Pesetas. This includes a copy of the Proceedings, a half a day excursion to the Observatorio del Teide and the Teide National Park on Friday, September 27th, a reception on Tuesday, September 24th, and the conference dinner on Thursday, September 26th. An optional full day excursion to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, in the neighbouring island of La Palma, on Saturday, September 28th, is also being organized (see below).

The registration desk will be open at the Conference Centre on Monday, September 23th, from 17:30 to 19:00 and in the mornings of Tuesday and Wednesday, September 24th and 25th. We can only accept cash or eurocheques (both in Pesetas) or travellers cheques in US dollars.

Changing Money

There is a bank within the international arrivals lounge in TFS but it does not operate on Sundays or public holidays. If you are travelling through Madrid there is a bank open 24 hrs.. Many banks are of course available in Puerto de la Cruz, and they are open Monday to Friday from 09:00 to 13:00 hrs.

The current exchange rate is about 128 Pesetas per US dollar. Credit cards are widely accepted in Spain; restaurants, hotels, although not at the conference desk!


Rooms will be available on a first-come-first-serve basis in hotels close to the Conference Centre in Puerto de la Cruz ( see map). Daily rates in Spanish Pesetas (1 US $ is about 128 Pesetas), excluding 4% local taxes, are per person sharing a double room. Extra rates for single rooms are also given. We recommend you take half board (for lunch) since there are not many restaurants in the area and there will be a welcome reception on Tuesday evening and a conference dinner on Thursday.

Hotel Puerto Palace
Hotel Miramar
Bed and BreakfastRoom and Half BoardRoom and Full BoardSupplement Single RoomBed and Breakfast Room and Half BoardRoom and Full BoardSupplement Single Room

The addresses of the hotels are:

Calle Doctor Cobiella Zaera		Parque Taoro
Urbanizacion San Antonio		Puerto de La Cruz
38200 Puerto de la Cruz			Phone +34 22 384811				
Phone +34 22 372460			Fax   +34 22 371067
Fax   +34 22 373523
Although both hotels are in comfortable walking distance from the Conference Centre, we recommend the Puerto Palace since it offers better quality facilities, whereas the Miramar, a simple and unpretentious hotel, is intended for participants with less resources.

If you would like us to book a hotel room for you and have not sent us a request, please fill in the Hotel Accommodation Form, using the WEB form: .

Trip to the Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos in the island of La Palma

All participants are invited to join a trip to the Observatorio del Roque de Los Muchachos (ORM), the international observatory located on the neighbouring Island of La Palma, on Saturday September 28th. The cost of the trip is 11,000 pesetas, which includes a return ticket from Tenerife North airport to La Palma, and transport to and from your hotel. Other expenses on the Island are being met jointly by the conference organizers and the local Tourist board.

The Island of La Palma is the furthest from the African coast, and lies NW of the archipelago. With an extension of 728 square km, it is the island with the highest peaks in the world in relation to its surface. The Roque de Los Muchachos peak reaches an altitude of 2,426 metres and hosts the observatory bearing its name. One of the most impressive scenes is the Caldera de Taburiente, a depression adjacent to the Roque de los Muchachos 9000 m in diameter, 800 m deep and a circumference of 28,000 m, which participants will have a chance to visit.

For information on the telescopes installed at the ORM, please visit IAC's Web site at

Due to restrictions imposed by the local air company BINTER, (i) we are forced to book tickets by early September, and (ii) tickets cannot be returned or changed, so by booking you are committing yourself to purchasing the ticket!!! We therefore urge all those interested in taking part in the trip, to let us know (either in the appropriate section of the registration form or by separate e-mail) as soon as possible. Those of you who have already expressed interest in the tour, have been booked a seat. Please prepare to pay for the trip fee at the registration desk upon arrival at the conference . Only cash and eurocheques /travellers cheques accepted!

The programme is as follows:

06:30   Bus leaves hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

07:40   Departure from Tenerife North airport

08:10   Arrival at La Palma

08:30   Departure from La Palma airport, and transfer
        to the ORM.

10:00   Arrival at the ORM

10:30   Observatory tour and snack

14:30   Departure ORM and transfer to restaurant for
        late lunch

17:00   Visit to the capital, Santa Cruz de La Palma

18:00   Transfer to airport for return flight at 19:00

20:30   Arrival at hotels in Puerto de la Cruz

Contact Addresses

For further assistance, please contact us at the following address:

Monica Murphy (Quasar Hosts Workshop)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
C/ Vía Láctea s/n
E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife
Tel: + 34 22 605261
Fax: + 34 22 605210
WWW URL address:

D.L. Clements (Quasar Hosts Workshop)
European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild Strasse 2
D-85748 Garching bei München
Fax: +49 89 3202362
WWW URL address: