Quasar Hosts, Tenerife, 24-27 Sept 96

Quasar Hosts

A Workshop co-organized by ESO and IAC to be held in Tenerife

24-27 September 1996

Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain

Recent theoretical and observational developments are leading us to focus our attention on the nature of quasar hosts, their environment, their influence on what we see of an AGN, and the AGN's influence on them.

Topics to be covered include:

Latest observational results

The Radio-loud Radio-quiet Dichotomy

High Redshift Quasar Hosts

Properties of High Redshift Active Galaxies

Local Environments of Quasars

Star Formation and the ISM of Quasar Hosts

Quasar Hosts and Unified Schemes

Quasar Hosts and Evolution

The Formation of Quasar Hosts

Dead Quasars in Galaxiy Cores

Scientific Organizing Committee: Clements (co-chair), Crane, Fosbury, Pérez-Fournon (co-chair), Rodríguez-Espinosa, Shaver, Ulrich

Local Organizing Committee: Cabrera-Guerra, Murphy, Pérez-Fournon (chair), Pérez-García, Ramírez-Castro, Villar-Martín

Registration and acommodation

The registration fee of 15,000 Spanish Pesetas includes a copy of the Proceedings and a half a day excursion to the Observatorio del Teide and the Teide National Park.

An optional full day excursion to the Roque de los Muchachos Observatory, in the neighbouring island of La Palma, on Saturday, September 28th, is also envisaged.

Please use the WEB registration form .

Although this is the preferred system for registration and notifications, you can also retrieve the ASCII version of the application form and send it by e-mail to qhost@iac.es.

The deadline for registration is July 31st.

Contact Addresses

Mónica Murphy (Quasar Hosts Workshop)
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
C/ Vía Láctea s/n
E-38200 La Laguna, Tenerife
Tel: + 34 22 605261
Fax: + 34 22 605210
e-mail: qhost@iac.es
WWW URL address: http://www.iac.es/qhost/index.html

D.L. Clements (Quasar Hosts Workshop)
European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild Strasse 2
D-85748 Garching bei München
Fax +49 89 3202362