Hotel reservation

The meeting will be held at Casona de Tao and there will also be rooms available in a nearby hotel that is 15min away (but transport will also be available).

The number of rooms available is 15. This means that the number of people will be limited and that the reservation/registration will be on a first come first served basis.

In the registration form you will be asked if you want a single room or if you are happy to share a room with someone (you can specify the name of the person you want to share with if you want). 


Here are the links to both places:

the main place with the meeting room and where we will have lunch+dinner:

the second place:

The rates including full board would be:

The booking can be done either by:


Bank transfer to:
Account holder: Cristina Aduen Santana: 
Account: ES36 0030 3386 9200 0157 7271

In the CONCEPT, please put the name of the conference, your name and if you’re booking a single or a double room as follows: 10 Iberian meeting - Your Name - single/double room - number of nights.