Poster abstract details
Interaction of solar waves with frozen turbulence
Rashba T.I., Gizon L., Cameron R.
On the Sun and solar-like stars near-surface turbulent magnetoconvection
is associated with velocities which are reasonably close to the local
sound speed. This both excites waves as well as affects their
As a first step towards understanding the effects of the turbulence on
the wave propagation we have simulated the propagation of wave packets
through snapshots taken from realistic photospheric magnetoconvection
simulations. The snapshots were produced with the MURaM code, and the
wave propagation was studied with the SLiM code. This approach
allows us to estimate the magnitude of the wave scattering depending
on the statistical properties of turbulent media. It is a step towards
future studies which will look at time-dependent magnetoconvection.