
The European Helio- and Asteroseismology Network HELAS is funded by the European Commission since April 1st, 2006, as a “Co-ordination Action” under its Sixth Framework Programme. In accordance with the HELAS goals, there is financial support (but limited) available to attend this conference. Priority will be given to PhD students and junior postdocs.

The grant consists of a refund of the registration fee and/or  lodging costs. Following the rules of the European Commission, we warn in advance: original receipts are required for any refund.

In order to be eligible, the following conditions must be fulfilled :
- you need to register on the HELAS website and then join "Who is Who"
- you must submit an abstract for an oral or poster presentation through the conference website before 15th September 2009
- Once registered, you can log in to your personal account and fill the Grant Application form
Those participants who applied for Financial Support will be informed individually by the LOC about the awarded grants on Tuesday, 22nd September, 2009.