Talk abstract details
Seismic constraints on HD~46375 and detection of the direct light reflected by its Hot Jupiter companion in the CoRoT data
P. Gaulme, T. Guillot, M. Vannier, S. Deheuvels, B. Mosser, C. Moutou, D. Mary, F. X. Schmider, T. Appourchaux, H. Bruntt, C. Rojas, H. Deeg., S. Aigrain
We present the first observation run which constrains a whole exo-planetary system, both with asteroseismology and detection of direct light coming from the planet. On January 2009, the CoRoT satellite has observed the solar-like star HD~46375 for 34 days, known to host a {\it not-transiting} Saturn like planet ($M \sin i = 0.22$ M$_{\mbox{jup}}$). Despite of a very low excess of power, the large separation of the p-modes was identified. Moreover, the direct light due to the changing phases of the planet was evidenced, which allowed us to constrain the planetary albedo. In parallel to these observations, a Zeeman Doppler imaging campaign was led with the Narval spectro-polarimeter, which constrained the star inclination. We present the modelling of the star obtained with the seismic input and the global vision of the HD~46375 system after CoRoT. Such a work is the first example of Plato-like observations.