Talk abstract details
Seismic signatures of stellar cores of Solar-like pulsators: dependence on mass and age
Brand\~ao, I. M.; Christensen - Dalsgaard, J.; Creevey, O. L.; Cunha, M. S.
With the recent launch of the Kepler satellite thousands of stars will be continuously monitored for stellar oscillations to a very high degree of precision. This will bring an unprecedented opportunity to perform asteroseismic studies. To make an optimal use of the excellent new data a strong effort has been put into the development of adequate tools to interpret the data and consequently make inferences about the internal structure of the observed stars.
The frequencies within a star are determined by the internal sound-speed and density profiles. A rapid variation in these profiles, e.g. at the borders of convective regions or regions of element ionization, will leave particular signatures in the oscillation frequencies.
With the stellar evolutionary code ASTEC we computed evolutionary series of main-sequence models with masses between 1.0 and 1.6 M$_{\odot}$ and different physics, and computed their oscillation frequencies using the oscillation code ADIPLS. With these we constructed different seismic tools described in the literature and we will show how the latter encompass information about the deepest layers of these stars, including the properties of small convective cores and strong density gradients.