Poster abstract details

The PLATO End-to-End Simulator
Zima, W.; Arentoft, T.; De Ridder, J.; Kjeldsen, H.; Salmon, S.; Aerts, C.


PLATO (PLAnetary Transits and Oscillations) is a next generation ESA Cosmic Vision mission satellite project dedicated to the photometric detection of exo-planets and to asteroseismology of their host-stars. The PLATO End-to-End Simulator has specifically been created for the assessment phase of PLATO to verify the instrument design, optimize the observing strategy, test photometric algorithms, and to estimate the data quality PLATO will deliver. It is a software tool that allows to simulate the photometric CCD observations made by the PLATO satellite in a realistic way by including all physical and instrumental noise sources that affect a space-based observatory. We present this tool and results from simulations with emphasis on the influence on the noise properties of measured light curves due to satellite pointing variations.