Poster abstract details
Mode transformation and frequency change with height in 3D numerical simulations of magneto-acoustic wave propagation in sunspots
T. Felipe, E. Khomenko, M. Collados
Three-dimensional numerical simulations of magnetoacoustic wave propagation are performed in a sunspot atmosphere with a computational domain covering the photosphere to the chromosphere. The wave source, which resembles the solar spectrum, is located at different distances from the axis of the sunspot for each simulation. These results are
compared with the theory of mode transformation and also with observational features. They explain the change in frequency of the oscillations in the umbra from $\nu=3.33$ mHz at the photosphere to $\nu=5.7$ mHz at the chromosphere in terms of linear propagation of waves with $\nu=5.7$ mHz power which come directly from the photosphere
and dominate over the evanescent long period waves at higher layers.