Poster abstract details
The planetary system host HR 8799: On its Lambda Bootis nature and age
A. Moya
HR\,8799 is a $\lambda$ Bootis, $\gamma$ Doradus star hosting a planetary system and a debris disk with two rings. This makes this system a very interesting target for asteroseismic studies. In particular, this work is devoted to the determination of the internal metallicity of this star, linked with its $\lambda$ Bootis nature, and its age, taking the advantage of its $\gamma$ Doradus pulsations. This is the most accurate way we have to obtain this information, and this is the first time such a study is done for such a system. To do so we have used the equilibrium code CESAM and the non-adiabatic pulsational code GraCo. We have applied the Frequency Ratio Method and the Time Dependent Convection theory to estimate the mode identification, the Brunt-Va\"is\"al\"a frequency integral and the mode instability, making the selection of the possible models. When the non-seismological constraints are used, the solar metallicity models are discarded. This result contradicts one of the main assumptions of the best hypothesis for explaining the $\lambda$ Bootis nature, the accretion/diffusion of gas from a star with solar metallicity. Therefore, in sight of these new results, a revision of this hypothesis is needed, if not the proposition of a completely new one. The inclusion of accurate internal chemical mixing is necessary. The use of the asteroseismological constraints provides a very accurate determination of the physical characteristics of HR\,8799, depending on the visual angle $i$. The determination of this angle and more accurate multicolor photometric observations can definitively fix the mass, metallicity and age of this star. In particular, an accurate age estimation is needed for a correct understanding of the planetary system. In our study we have found that the age used for modeling the system is unlike.